Imperial Assassin

Which sales count towards getting in the bestseller list? If we advance order it through Amazon, for example, I presume that doesn't count - or does it? In other words, how can we help you to achieve international stardom? :)

Patrick, sorry to take so long to answer this, but it took a while to research. My understanding from publisher and retailers is that the sales of the major book chains and some supermarkets are combined with a selection of independent stores whose sales also feedback into a central databank. As far as I can discern, internet sales do not count at present. Whether they will eventually is an entirely different question - I imagine with the huge growth of internet book sales this area will not be able to be ignored forever.

Heavenly Reaction said:
Just found this forum, it's really good to find other people that like Mark Robson's books.

Nice to see you here, Anna. I'm glad that you enjoyed Imperial Assassin. I'm afraid I can't write as fast as you read, but I should finish the first draft of Imperial Traitor later today - if I'm not too distracted here!

Dwndrgn said:
I'll have a review of Imperial Assassin ready by the end of today (I hope!).

Then you'll be the first to finish and review - not that it's a race, but I look forward to seeing what you think.

Thanks also for the good wishes, Mutant Elf. I very much appreciate all the support I receive from the people here. It's most inspiring to know that there are so many interested enough to take the time to visit and tell me what they think.
My understanding from publisher and retailers is that the sales of the major book chains and some supermarkets are combined with a selection of independent stores whose sales also feedback into a central databank.

Thanks Mark. You mentioned supermarkets - can we hope to see Imperial Assassin gracing the shelves of Tesco and the like then? I do hope so - then you really will have become a household name!

I guess this means that if we want you to hit the bestseller lists, all your fans on this forum need to come along to one of your signing events immediately after the formal launch date, and buy lots of copies to give to friends and relatives as Christmas presents... :)
Thanks Mark. You mentioned supermarkets - can we hope to see Imperial Assassin gracing the shelves of Tesco and the like then? I do hope so - then you really will have become a household name!

I guess this means that if we want you to hit the bestseller lists, all your fans on this forum need to come along to one of your signing events immediately after the formal launch date, and buy lots of copies to give to friends and relatives as Christmas presents... :)

I'm hoping to get them into the supermarkets eventually, but I'm not going to hold my breath this time around. Buying for friends and relatives immediately after the launch date ... well, what can I say? Of course I'd love to see folk doing that, but it would be somewhat cheeky of me (to say the least) to actively encourage that here. My plan is to get out in the public eye and hand sell as many copies in the major chains as I possibly can. We'll see how much one person's efforts will affect the outcome then.

I always enjoy meeting people from Chronicles at events. (I've met a fair few over the last couple of years) It was great to meet Jackokent at Cheltenham the other week - it was far too fleeting of course, but that is the nature of such events. Conventions offer better opportunities to have a more meaningful chat, but I'm probably not going to be attending any for a while now, as I'm likely to be too busy.
Then you'll be the first to finish and review - not that it's a race, but I look forward to seeing what you think.
Sadly everything has gotten in the way of me writing this thing. I'll make sure I write it this evening, most likely all the furniture will have been moved by then. For those of you who haven't pre-ordered it yet; I liked it. The rest you'll have to wait to find out until I actually type it out :D
Mark, will you be signing Imperial Assassin in Waterstones, Witney.
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hello everyone ! my friend got me the impearial assassin from waterstones a day early ! n brought it 2 skool the next day n i nearly screamed (because i was happy not cause i was angry) n i was reading it all the way through school ! my friend is still on the first book ! then its my other friend then another to borrow it !
err i baugt a copy of imperial assasin on november te 5th and i thaught it was supposte to be out on november the 6th !!! :s ye im the person who baught that one for ^^^^^^^^^^ hehe sorry about the spelling hehe
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I LOVE THE BOOKS!!!!! *salute* hehe im guna have to read all the rest of the chapters tonight and im only on chapter 13 hehe anyway the books are so good keep up the good work hehe :)
Has anyone finished Imperial Assasin, I haven't bought it yet, as I am hoping Mark will sign it in Waterstones, Witney and then I will buy it there.
It's extremely frustrating that Mark's books aren't available in the U.S., even from online booksellers.

I've given up waiting for publishers and booksellers to come to their senses, and I've ordered a copy from AmazonUK. I have no idea what I've paid: the site charged me 3.99 pounds for the book and 6.98 pounds for shipping (a total of 10.97 pounds). But whatever that is in dollars, I'm sure the book will be worth the price! :)

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