What was the last movie you saw?

Easy Rider, interesting movie and it must have got thousands onto the roads :). I also saw some of Chinatown the other day (one I really want to go back and watch all the way through), Jack Nicholson is such a character himself it's easy to forget just how good an actor he really is.
At the cinema it was Cloverfield

On DVD it would be Amelie...yet again :)
Saw a couple of episodes from the BBC Sherlock Holmes Collection with the rarely-less-than-awesome Peter Cushing as Holmes. The screenplays are average, production values are shaky (Interiors done in videotape) compared to the sumptuous layout for the Granada series, and nothing quite matches up to Jeremy Brett's moody brilliance in the titular part, but Cushing is a perennial sturdy with a strong grasp of the character and pleases when he is on screen.
Last night watched Invasion quite good,Nicole Kidman continues to look gorgeous, followed by The Nanny Diaries with Scarlett Wotsitface,turned out to be an ok movie tho I got annoyed at all these career driven women who hardly notice or have time for their kids! Why do these people bother to have kids?
I think to some people kids are an accessory : (

I watched a combination of Lilo and Stitch, Toy Story 1 & 2, Ratatouille and Surfs up yesterday, trying to work out what it was that Zach wanted to watch
Sadly true Wyb. I could feel myself getting angry with this posh business woman and her useless husband who would say 'keep the kid quiet tonight,i have some work to get thru' or she would take a vacation from being a mother cos she's stressed. I wanted to shout at the TV 'For f***'s sake woman,wake up!! The poor kid was really badly behaved because he didn't have anyone to communicate with.
I watched In the Valley of Elah the other night.

Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon find out that their son has gone AWOL (absent without leave) from the army shortly after returning home from a tour of duty in Iraq. The story weaves an intricate web of mystery around this basic premise and keeps you guessing all the way through and makes excellent use of garbled video clips found on the son's mobile phone.

I drew some similarities with No Country for Old Men, not just in both films having some of the same cast (Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and Barry Corbin). The film had a similar quiet brooding about it and also used minimal use of music throughout (although obviously more than No Country which only had end credits music). Jones played a similar character too, quiet, knowledgeable, authoritative, sad and quite lonely (despite being married to Susan Sarandon). His acting was as always impeccable - standout scenes were talking on the phone to Sarandon and having to tell her about their son and also his two visits to the morgue -one on his own and the second time with Sarandon. Sarandon gave a solid performance too, along with Charlize Theron and the rest of the supporting cast (including Jason Patric, James Franco and those already mentioned).

Overall an excellent film and one for the collection.
Watched Little Children tonight. I don't know, it really left me feeling empty. Great perfomances from Kate Winslett and Patrick Wilson, but unsatisfying on the whole. Last night was Premonition, which wasn't great. Stupid ending. Stupid, stupid ending.
I watched Stardust which I thought was great. I also watched Becoming Jane which was ok.
Currently watching The Right Stuff...again.

But, I'm a little ticked at the schedulers at History Channel and AMC. Just as The Right Stuff was starting to screen on History Channel, AMC was starting The Day The Earth Stood Still. How dare they make me make a decision like that so early on a Sunday morning? :p
Firestarter, Mark L. Lester; adapted from Stephen king's famous novel of the same name. As usual, I found the movie inferior to it's text-medium counterpart, though have to admit it's leagues better than the drivel Hollywood is churning out these days...

Cheers, DeepThought
Saw Hannibal, which was a beautifully shot and pretty entertaining flick on the whole. I just love the climax, surreal and funny.
Licence to Wed (pretty much under protest), the only suprising thing was I didn't find Robin Williams half as annoying as I have in most of his recent movies roles but that was purely by comparison with the other actors and the script.
Saw Hannibal, which was a beautifully shot and pretty entertaining flick on the whole. I just love the climax, surreal and funny.

Got to admit that I prefer the ending of the book; but there is absolutely no way a major studio was going to go for that one....
Never got to reading it since I personally thought SoTL was a prosaic sort of book compared to the brilliant movie made of it.

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