What was the last movie you saw?

I still prefer The Prestige to The Illusionist anyday Teresa, so it will be interesting to see what you think of the latter.
Watched 3.10 to Yuma and honestly it was ok but I hated the ending and it was really just another western. Not that I have anything against western, but they have to be darn good to make an impact.
I want to see "There will be Blood with Daniel Day Lewis, because he makes movies so infrequently, they are usually very good. Shall get back to you on this one, hopefully this weekend.
Yesterday we went and got to see Rendition: Was not impressed.

Tuesday last week we got John Rambo as a movie: Good movie if you like a very graphic show of people being killed.:(

Tuesday two weeks ago we saw No country for old men.: Now that was a good one. The best of the three for sure.
Lair of the White Worm, which I found at the pirates. It's been such a long time since I saw this one. Not much at all like the Bram Stoker book and nothing much at all when compared to what CGI can do now. But I have a fondness for it nevertheless. The giant, demented looking worm and the exaggerated flames.

Also finally saw Sweeney Todd. It's very good but takes some getting used to. Johnny Depp was singing for goodness sake. Yes, yes, I knew it was a musical and all but it was still startling. It's well done though. The costumes and hairstyles are gorgeous and he and Bonham-Carter play their roles frighteningly well.
Watched the latter half of The Terminator last night. It's been a looong time since I've watched it. The ending is pretty damn scary, that robot just won't die.
Today I watched follow the stars home. It was on the hallmark channel. A very good movie if I say so myself.
I've just re-watched Bladerunner again!:D; think I'm going insane over it:rolleyes::).

Roy saves Deckard from the fall (even though the latter had killed all his friends); It's touching that in the moment of his death he loved life. Makes me wonder who is the machine and who is human.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain...Time to die."

This scene moved me in a way that I never thought a movie could.

Cheers, DeepThought
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I watched the latter half of Rush Hour 2 last night (I keep turning on the tv and finding myself halfway through interesting films). I like Rush Hour films. Hell, I like most films with Jackie Chan in them. Especially the comedy ones.
The Illusionist, which I enjoyed -- and on this one the twist actually caught me by surprise. The Prestige was possibly the better movie, but it left me feeling empty. This one didn't.
I watched the latter half of Rush Hour 2 last night (I keep turning on the tv and finding myself halfway through interesting films). I like Rush Hour films. Hell, I like most films with Jackie Chan in them. Especially the comedy ones.

:DMoi aussi. I love that film so was glad it was on. Then watched Carnosaur 2 I think it was which was pretty shocking.

Followed by one of Will Smiths better performances in: Men In Black.
Watched Stardust last night. Another 'why?' film.

What on earth was Robert de Niro doing in such tosh?
Its one of those films that cant decide what it is. Fantasy, historical piece or comedy.
No focus.
Stardust is a great film.

Each to their own i suppose, but i wish that when they do a historical piece they would use language from that era. It just looks wrong when a character in the 1800s is talking as if they were in this day ang age, it just becomes a fancy dress farce.
If theyre gonna do funny, do it properly funny, not half and half
I wodnered if it would end up being like that, but I mgiht see it anyway, providing I have time on Sunday evening to go to the cinema.
Went to see "There will be Blood" last night. Loved the movie, a pretty long one, running 168mins but that made it all the more enjoyable. It felt like it was over in a very short time.

Daniel Day Lewis what can I say. I love this guy as an actor he is almost unequalled. He brings such conviction to a part. Could be Oscar No 2 for him coming up I think. The ending left me slightly perplexed at the time but now I have had time to mull it over, it wasn't that bad.
Well worth going to see!!!

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