What was the last movie you saw?

We were supposed to watch There Will Be Blood for my creative writing class, but it doesn't seem to be showing at the local cinema for some reason.

I've just watched one of the horror films my friend bought me for my birthday last year. My Little Eye. Some interesting camera work, but not particularly chilling and everything seemed to happen in the last twenty minutes or so.
Hoppy I have never heard of it, was it enjoyable though? You must do your best to get along to see There will be Blood. It won;t be the same on DVD, its a move made for the big screen.
Watched a couple of great films tonight. My friend brought Night Watch over and we watched that, which is one of my favourite films. I love how stylised it is, right down to the subtitles. And then when that finished and we turned on the tv, The Cell had just begun. I've watched this a few times now and it's a good film, about the only one I can bear when starring Jenifer Lopez. And again, nicely stylised. I like stylised films.
Watched Stardust last night. Its one of those films that cant decide what it is. Fantasy, historical piece or comedy.

To me, it seemed pretty obvious that it wasn't trying to be any of those things. I viewed it as a fairy tale, and it was quite good on those terms.

I usually have problems with blatant anachronisms, even in fairy tales, but I don't remember anything bad enough to spoil my pleasure in this one.
Shrek the Third, which was more of the same; Vacancy, which was an effective little thriller and a pleasure after the recent dire run of gornography; and Severance, which was quite a lot of fun...
Not seen any of the Rush Hour films. Helen isn't keen on MrChan

Have she seen any of his great HK movies ?

Its not really fair to Mr Chan to judge him by some lame hollywood movies like Rush Hour,Medalion,Tuxedo when he is a HK movie legend known for hardcore martial arts movies.

I have seen alot western peeople do that, makes me a long time fan cringe.
What's gornography, Cul?
Is it a new film descriptor, like RomZomCom, or just a typo?

I don't know whether RomZomCom is an established film genre yet, seeing as there's only been about one film that can be described as such (apologies if there are more, I can only think of one...) but gornography is the word used for all the gratuitously gory films that are coming out recently, that like the splash the blood around as liberally as water, and seem to concentrate on hurting and killing people in as many horrific ways as possible -- films like Saw, Hostel etc.
I don't know whether RomZomCom is an established film genre yet, seeing as there's only been about one film that can be described as such (apologies if there are more, I can only think of one...) but gornography is the word used for all the gratuitously gory films that are coming out recently, that like the splash the blood around as liberally as water, and seem to concentrate on hurting and killing people in as many horrific ways as possible -- films like Saw, Hostel etc.

What she said. Though I am glad to see you picture me sitting around watching a kid's movie followed by some smut, Py...
Ah...I am enlightened. Thank you.

And I always pictured you as a cinemavore, Cul...if it's on the screen, you'll devour it.....:p
I don't know whether RomZomCom is an established film genre yet, seeing as there's only been about one film that can be described as such (apologies if there are more, I can only think of one...) but gornography is the word used for all the gratuitously gory films that are coming out recently, that like the splash the blood around as liberally as water, and seem to concentrate on hurting and killing people in as many horrific ways as possible -- films like Saw, Hostel etc.

Ah. I've only heard the term "torture porn" in connection with this type of bilge....
Saw Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles which had some pretty good laugh moments although it's not in the same league as The Producers or History of The World Pt. 1
Silk. Not at all as good as the brilliant The Red Violin - also directed by François Girard.
Just watched Shaun of the Dead again -- it was on tv. Now I've switched over and Bram Stoker's Dracula is on. The music in this is great, it reminds me of drama at school as we always used to use it for our pieces...
Die Hard 4.0

It was ok, but I felt it was missing something. Willis felt more of a cipher than a real person this time.

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