Starbeast, Mosaix, Victoria and the Bear get mentions but with Cats Cradle doing it for me. There were lots of good posts this month and as this is a drive by vote so it will have to be a well done all instead of a longer list of mentions.

The voting is scattered so far, so it can be anyone yet (ahem... as you read this, you just know you want to vote for me... yes you do, go on... vote now) to win this month.
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to vote I go.

Steptoe & Son: Night of the Blood Oranges
by @Starbeast for a story of weird and wonderful fun.

Angry Ancestors by @Bowler1 for a story that gave reverence where reverence was due.

Sea Oats by @Phyrebrat for a story with such clever use of words.

Black Green Magic by @Christine Wheelwright for a story that made me think about accepting responsibility.

Happily Never After by @Bren G for a story that gave a delicious twist on the old fairy tale.

This one was pretty easy. @Bren G hit just the right mark for me with Happily Never After so he got my vote.
Throws more popcorn, but not at Paranoid Marvin - much appreciated.

I'm not cleaning anything up, unless it's Judge, then I'll clean.
Again, another very long Long List. You make it tough. All of you are too good! Finally got it down to my Short List and *** Favorite ***:

Weapons of Choice - Victoria Silverwolf
And the little girl woke up… - chrispenycate
At the Place Peopled with Trees, the Place Where People Take Root – emrosenagel
Invasive species – genelewis
The smell of Progress – AnRoinnUltra
And all he said was, “I wouldn’t know about that, sir” – Luiglin
Angry Ancestors - Bowler1
Sea Oats – Phyrebrat
Ascension - reiver33
*** Black Green Magic - Christine Wheelwright ***

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