Discussion 75 Word Challenge -- MARCH

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One is collared (and may lose their shirt) and the other one wins. Possibly.

As I'd already voted for Pyan in the original vote, choosing this time round was easy (which is how I like it :)).
Any other month, I might have voted for Cul - it was the details, like the wings.

However, pyan's hit the genre better for me so I voted for him. A simple idea, perfectly executed.
A draw!

OMG! - well maybe, its not quite an earth shaking shocker.

What happens now is a good question?
Cutting it fine with my vote this month. On my short list were Abernovo, Karn, reiver, Hoopy and Aun. It was a tough call, but after sleeping on it I went with Hoopy.

Shocked to find myself in the lead briefly this morning, but ever so grateful for the votes StormFeather, Tisiphone and paranoid Marvin!

Ooh, a cheeky vote right at the end! Thanks, Cul.
Cheers WP - me and instructions don't go well together. Gets me into all sorts of problems!
Voted for Culhwch before and have done again.

Cheers folks for all the mentions/comments about mine. Looking forward to the next challenge.
You've been witch-hunting in Clapham Woods too, eh? I doubt anyone's surprised.
Not hunting... so much as training...

Congratulations, pyan and Cul. In the interests of peace in the Mods' staff room, I think I may have to abstain on this one...
Aw. Both were on my shortlist. I have found it difficult to choose, because both stories are so different; one has humour, the other is bittersweet. Eventually went for Pyan but it really was down to the way the wind was blowing.

In any case, congratulations to both of you for whipping up such great tales that have tied us in knots over voting :)

Congratulations Pyan and Culhwch. :)

I've voted for Culhwch again.

And thank you Starbeast for the mention.
My vote goes to Pyan.

As the father of 3 girls, and grandfather to 3 girls and great grandfather of a spoiled little 8year old girl and having spent more sleepless nights than can be counted, worried sick waiting till they came home, I just found Cul's story too sad.
It is a great story though.

Pyan's is also a great story and made me laugh------I will go with the laugh every time.

Good Luck Pyan
I went for Pyan as while I enjoyed Cul's story I found it more of a ghost story than strictly on-topic.
I went for Pyan as while I enjoyed Cul's story I found it more of a ghost story than strictly on-topic.

I had to go with Culhwch, the little girl had become an angel in my mind because of her innocence. For me the story was tragic and beautiful.
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