robert jordan

  1. Clansman

    A MEMORY OF LIGHT: Spoiler Thread

    If you've FINISHED reading A Memory of Light, the last book of The Wheel of Time, this is the place to post. If you haven't... STOP READING THIS THREAD NOW!!!! No sympathy for people complaining of spoilers if they read beyond this first post.
  2. Werthead

    A MEMORY OF LIGHT review thread

    The Wheel of Time Book 14: A Memory of Light
  3. Perpetual Man

    Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time: Eye of the World Comic Series

    For a long time the dominating force in US comic books has been the superhero, but latterly that has begun to change with the rise of licenced titles. That does not mean to say this is a new thing, as far back as the days if Conan comics have been drawing on other media for new titles, and who...
  4. chongjasmine

    A poor bargain?

    Just read the part where nynaeve and elayne agree to let 20 sisters teach the sea folks whatever they want in exchange for their help in using the bowl of the wind. I thought that was an example of poor bargaining. Giving the bowl of the wind to the sea folks after they use the bowl of the...
  5. Clansman

    Cover for 'A Memory of Light'

    Here is the link: Too bad Whelan hadn't been doing the covers since 1990. Puts Sweet to shame. At least there are no more Rand break-dancing pictures.:D
  6. HighWiredSith

    Extended Excerpt for Memory Of Light Online NOW! From the Prologue. Since WOT prologues have been clocking in at 80+ pages this is obviously only an excerpt. Thoughts? One question arose for me - at what point will the the Whitecloaks accept the fact that the last battle...
  7. chongjasmine

    Least Favourite character in WOT?

    Who is your least favourite character in WOT? Mine is Padan Fain. I simply dislike him. To me, he is so disgusting. My second least favourite character is Loial. Sometimes, I do not know what purpose he serves in the whole series. He is so timid, and always reading book, and he isn't a...
  8. algai'd'siswai

    Just finished A Crown of Swords

    new here, first post Well, I just finished A Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan and now I'm a little nervous to go on to The Path of Daggers, as I have read online the next few books really start to lag. What's everyone's thoughts on the series without spoiling much? I've loved...
  9. Clansman

    A MEMORY OF LIGHT: Release Date

    TOR Publishing has just announced that the release date for A Memory of Light (which Sanderson finished about a month ago), will be January 8, 2013. January 8, 2013?:confused: Seriously? Apparently they want it to be released in the last month of the 'Year of the Dragon' in the Chinese...
  10. HighWiredSith

    The Egwene Hate Threat

    Perhaps hate is too strong a word, perhaps not strong enough. I was kindly asked to tone down my anti-Egwene rhetoric over at Dragonmount - perhaps I can find more license to vent my Eggy frustration here but I've come to loathe her in the second half of The Wheel of Time. She is a self...
  11. Talysia

    A Memory of Light is finished

    Many of us never thought we'd see the story of the Wheel of Time actually finished after Robert Jordan passed away, but Brandon Sanderson announced on Twitter earlier that he had finished writing the final book, A Memory of Light. It's been a long time, but it'll be good to see how the story...
  12. chongjasmine

    Book 7 Crown of Swords and that stupid bowl of the wind!

    I had just recently finished book 7 of the wheel of time series. I am so GLAD that the women finally found the bowl of the wind. It sure took them AGES, I mean, typically, AGES ,to find that object. Is the bowl of the wind so important that so many chapters must be devoted to finding it...
  13. Talysia

    ISAM's "The Wheel of Time" summary

    I'm sure that some of you will have seen this, but I'll post it here for those who haven't - it's the funniest summary of the Wheel of Time series that I've seen so far, even if it is missing the last few books.:D "The Wheel of Time" by ISAM - Atari Forums
  14. Jake Reynolds

    Odd question re Crown of Swords

    So, I was away from WoT after a while, and have just finished Towers of Midnight (was great to get some answers I've been waiting OVER TWENTY YEARS for, but anyways...) One question that has stuck with me though, and the reason I ask is because honestly I kinda only really skimmed the last...
  15. Pedro Del Mar

    How many books will there be in total?

    Hi All, I stopped reading WoT when RJ sadly passed away. I'm now waiting for the rest of the books to be released in paperback so that they all match on my bookcase. I have The Gathering Storm sat waiting for me patiently, Towers of Midnight I believe is due out in paperback in September here...
  16. C Of K

    Why didn't Lanfear bond Rand?

    I can't understand why she didn't do it first chance she got. I know it wasn't so common a thing in the Age of Legends, but the bonding weave is not beyond her ability. I can see why she didn't use a complicated compulsion. Having a puppet dragon kind of defeats the purpose. But the bond would...
  17. K

    How does the WoT match up?

    Hello! I am a big fan of the Wheel of Time. I have read a whole slew of other fantasy series (Eddings, Brooks, Tad Williams, etc) but I like the Wheel the best. I am really curious / interested in some other series (specifically A Song of Ice and Fire, Malazan Book of the Fallen) and was...
  18. murphy

    From the Two Rivers, child's version of EotW, part I

    Has anyone else looked at this? I bought it for my grandson and was looking at it to see how it differed from EotW. There is a whole new prologue in it with Egwene as a nine-year old.
  19. Talysia

    Nakomi (spoilers for Towers of Midnight)

    During Aviendha's chapters, we see that she runs into an Aiel woman called Nakomi, but who is she? Is there more to her than meets the eye? I've read some theories that suggest it could be an Aiel Wise One, a channeller of some kind, or even one of the Forsaken, but I'm not sure. Her...
  20. Senta23

    "His blood on the steps of Shayol Ghul"

    Maybe it's just me and feel free to blow me out of the water. But the more I think of it the more I feel that it will be Galad that takes some sort of fatal blow to save Rand, that will bring this prophecy to light. What is the point of their 1/2 blood relationship otherwise? Galad lives the...