Characters Behaving Stupidly In Science Fiction , Fantasy Horror Movies and TV Shows.


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
Films which character seal their own fate, cause their own downfall and or demise by making really dumb and shortsighted choices .
I stopped watching The Walking Dead after they inexplicably decided to wheel an old wagon over a glass floor (naturally with loads of zombies beneath). Not only did they managed to crack the glass, some of them managed to fall through and amongst the walking dead below.

Prometheus 2012 was chock full of stupids.

Dr Shaw and Meredith Vickers are they are running from the rolling alien ship. Dr Shaw stumbles and, at that point , It occurs to her that she should roll to her right and out the path of the ship . Meredith also stumbles but, for some reason , rather then roll to the left and out of the path of the ship , she keeps running the same path under the ship and gets crunched.
Sam Smith asks one of the Tomatoes to pass the ketchup, and blows his cover in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
In the movie The Gate II: Trespassers, a bunch of young people performed a satanic ritual with a relatively advanced pentagram drawn. Then, malevolent magic happened, there appeared unholy lights, demonic creatures etc... They got out of the cave in fear. And when one of them talked about what had just happened, another said that this is nonsense and told him (or her) not to believe in such nonsense like demons etc. But in the movie's "reality", they manifested themselves, and they saw them with their own eyes! I watched the movie Turkish dubbed long ago, so there could be a translation fail though.
The one thing that consistently irritated the hell out of me in Wheel of Time was the fact that the characters just didn't speak to each other. They didn't talk about their problems, where they were, where they were much could have been saved with just some conversation.
Given Camp Crystal Lakes infamous reputation in the Friday the The 13 films, why do so many stupid people continue to flock to the place?
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Any horror movie where a group of characters (or particularly stupid individual) goes to investigate some strange noise in the attic or other sinister happening. Not me. I’m a coward.

Any horror movie starring me wouldn’t be up to much….cue noise in the attic
Me: sod this, I’m off (runs out of the house and into the sunset)
cue end credits:)
Any horror movie where a group of characters (or particularly stupid individual) goes to investigate some strange noise in the attic or other sinister happening. Not me. I’m a coward.

I actually am that sort of idiot. Weird noises outside, unlock the door so I can look around. I have cats specifically so I can blame weird noises on them, at least. There was also that night where I heard the front door open and I ignored it until mom got up a few hours later and started yelling about it. Making sure it's deadbolted is not my job. :p
Prometheus 2012 was chock full of stupids.

Wasn't it just! Well, I presume the second half had its share too because I gave up watching when they all opened their helmets. "Oh breathable air! Helmets off everyone" (The words, 'airborne pathogen' having presumably been left out of their preflight briefing.)

I think there are two types of stupid movie mistake. Those that are in character and those that aren't.

I'm quite forgiving of a characters' mistakes if the character makes them in situation where making a mistake is possible - we all make mistakes under pressure - and I'm very forgiving if the character quickly realises she has made a mistake and tries to remedy the situation.

What is less forgivable, and what tends to sink movies for me, are those moments where the character does something so out of character it's unforgivably unbelievable. Like the highly trained scientist in Prometheus not even considering for second that there might be more than just gases in the atmosphere.

I mean how difficult would it be to write a line like:

Character A holding up tricorder-type device.
"The air's pure. No viruses or bugs of any kind" keep a great chunk of the audience from throwing their popcorn at the screen.
Interceptor ...obliterate the United States with nuclear warheads, in order to get hold of millions of US dollars (sort of SF, maybe not).
Wasn't it just! Well, I presume the second half had its share too because I gave up watching when they all opened their helmets. "Oh breathable air! Helmets off everyone" (The words, 'airborne pathogen' having presumably been left out of their preflight briefing.)

Really since actors can't really do their job well while wearing proper hazmat, (that's probably why the MCU takes the mask off of everyone they can,) why even have space suits at all? A pre-probe saying that it's safe would do the same thing and save their budget.
Maybe the Prometheus tagline should have been: In space, nobody is aware of your exceedingly low IQ

I really wanted to like that movie. It looked great but, well….

Oh, I like that. :D
In the opening scene of Scary Movie, which parodies Scream, an actress grabs a banana rather than a weapon when there's an array of them on a table. There are probably loads of similar instances in non-comedic films, but I can't seem to think of any at the moment.
If we're going to go after stuff that makes fun of typical horror fare, Cabin in the Woods chemically inhibits the common sense of the teenagers involved.
I really like Superman. More specifically, I really like the 'Christopher Reeve' Superman movies. I think he's the definitive Man of Steel, and I think that Gene Hackman is the definitive Lex Luthor. However... why does no-one realise that Clark Kent is Superman with glasses, and Superman is Clark Kent without glasses? Glasses on their own are no kind of a disguise, no matter how clumsily you act!

What makes it even worse is that he works for a newspaper, surrounded by people who by their very nature are inquisitive and observant. Lois Lane even goes flying with Superman and snogs him, works closely with Clark - yet it's only half way through the second movie (presumably months/years after they knew each other) before she even begins to suspect that something funny may be going on.
