Discussion Thread -- April 2017 75-word Writing Challenge

Short List

Talysia -- for its important moral lesson

Jason McGraw -- for its powerful imagery

Ashleyne -- for reversing the reader's expectations

ErikB -- for its biting satire

HoopyFrood -- for its sweeping vision

TitaniumTi -- for its sense of wonder

ratsy -- for its relentless intensity

David Evil Overlord -- for its clever analogy

TheDustyZebra -- for its gentle compassion


"All the World's a Stage" by Stuart Suffel -- for its universal appeal
Parson grumbles about procrastinators and all the last minute work it bring me ..... but, well, time to get to work and we made the magic 42 again! :)

@TheDustyZebra .... shows us that love will find a way. Even when no one want to go to the ball it can still be "A Royal Affair."

Dusty, it was all I could do not to make some comment that would have been entirely inappropriate. --- Did you try to set us up like that?

@Stuart Suffel .... is involved with the game of life which is heartbreak rendering and true because in some way "All the World's a Stage."

Stuart, wonderful 75 Word story. I'm glad that you entered.

@Tywin .... Shows us a world where even the Greek Gods have trouble finding companionship when the last call comes. Sometimes it doesn't help to be "The Olympian Playa."

@Aine .... Sometimes the game is more than a game, and sometimes the fake becomes a "Ouija."

@Ursa major .... In the days of Disney Princesses there was one whose father was a warlock and so his daughter was right on time, or so the fairy tale goes. Therefore she was not a "Lonely Princess."

At least for my daughter I'm not sure magic could have kept her to her curfew.

And now off to read again and vote.
Interesting and strange group of stories. I didn't find one that I didn't think fit the parameters of this challenge.

My favorites:
Calliopenjo ..... Dragonball, Strike--- Opps!
Joshua Jones .... Of Fun and Dwarves
Stable .... It Was thiiiiiiiis Big!
Nixie .... It's Only a Game

But the story which for me was better than the others:

Stuart Suffel .... All the World's a Stage.

Nicely done all.

This timing works out great because I'm going to get my hip replaced on April 25, so I should be back in commission for the next challenge.
Wow, folks, thankee very much. I'd lost 900 words forever earlier on, so lol, maybe that angst helped my writing! Best of luck with the op Parsons, and thanks again to all for the fab comments and votes.
Firstly, thanks to Victoria, Starbeast and Cathbad for the shortlistings.:)

Now the voting. I swear, it's getting tougher to narrow the list down. Still, without further ado:

Stuart Suffel

Top Three:
Cory Swanson


Well done everyone!
As in previous months, there are some stories I simply don't understand and some that don't seem to fit the genre of fantasy.

As for the rest, it's difficult to pick a winner - as usual.
As in previous months, there are some stories I simply don't understand and some that don't seem to fit the genre of fantasy.

As for the rest, it's difficult to pick a winner - as usual.

I am glad I am not the only one who sometimes find the meaning of a story goes over his head :unsure: (Happy to provide enlightenment for anyone wondering who Vincent might be :p )

Have to agree about the difficulty in picking a winner - it never gets easier.
This was as difficult as ever and I like an awful lot more than the ones I have short listed

Cathbad - The Brawl Bowl
Brutality explained in such a matter of fact fashion

Luiglin - The grand idiotic old game
I feel I can identify with the protagonist as I am one of those who doesn’t really get golf

HoopyFrood - Your Move
I really like the sheer scale of this game in both time and distance.

TitaniumTi - Spacer's Pinball
Consequences of the tiniest misjudgement poignantly highlighted.

But my favourite...

Talysia - Who is the prey now?
I liked the twist on a barbaric "sport". Karma!

One of those months when I had a clear favorite...so no hair-pulling at all, thankfully! :)

Ashleyne, Walled Cities, Victoria, Dave Barsby, Stable, ErikB

Joshua Jones, The Judge, Stuart Suffel.

Stuart Suffel. Loved this...so much emotion in 75 little words. Well done, Stuart Suffel!

Best of luck in the voting, all, CC
Lots of interesting and unique takes on the theme. Finally narrowed my list down:

My Long List, Short List and **** Favorite ****

Who is the prey now? – Talysia
Play With the Bones - Jason McGraw
I'm a Stalker – Ashleyne
**** Whom Gods Destroy - Victoria Silverwolf ****
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – mosaix
It Was Thiiiiiiiiis Big! – Stable
Demon Down Time - Peter V
Dwarves, Dice, and unbelievable Fantasy role playing games – ErikB
Your Move – HoopyFrood
Round Trip Lunar Astronaut – Starbeast
What Mother Doesn't Know – Culhwch
Not Even the One-Eyed King? - The Judge

It's Only a Game – nixie
A Royal Affair – TheDustyZebra
All the World's a Stage - Stuart Suffel
