Discussion Thread -- April 2017 75-word Writing Challenge

@HoopyFrood .... points out the difficulty in a Creative chess game. You have to wait an eternity until it's "Your Move."
ErikB -- This sharply satiric tale takes a look at our society through a funhouse mirror.

HoopyFrood -- A perspective of immense scale allows this imaginative story to ponder the nature of eternity.

Parson -- With sly wit, the author considers how we can tell myth from reality.
@TitaniumTi .... Launches into a story that ricochets back and forth and ends sadly, like all the games of "Spacer's Pinball."

This story reminded me of this song from circa 1961.

Mama told me not to come read your story Starbeast...but I did any way! I now have a soundtrack for my day! ;)
@Starbeast .... has joined the legions of people who find their most pleasurable activity daydreaming. His daydream is to be "A Round Trip Lunar Astronaut."
Mama told me not to come read your story Starbeast...but I did any way! I now have a soundtrack for my day! ;)

Howdy-hey-there, Cat's. You know, it's funny (to me) how my stories end up strangely different than what I originally imagined.

@Starbeast .... has joined the legions of people who find their most pleasurable activity daydreaming. His daydream is to be "A Round Trip Lunar Astronaut."

Hi Parson. Yes-sir-ree-bob, it's the only way I can get to the Moon. Thanks for the cosmic review.
I saw this and thought of you lot :X3:

@ratsy .... Brings us to a place and a time where you sell your soul in order to keep it. All because you want to hear your name when they way "And the Winner Is...".
The Unfortunate Destruction of the Realm of Flemëros. @Mr Orange – Gods may not play dice but they do play cards, it would seem.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? @mosaix – A mother sends something precious to her precious one.

It Was Thiiiiiiiiis Big! @Stable – “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

The World is a Cheap Video Game with Clunky Graphics, @johnnyjet – Bringing new meaning to virtual reality. I went outside once – the graphics were terrible.

Demon Down Time, @Peter V – Work can be hard at times but for this hapless artist, it is literally hell.

Pointless, @Cory Swanson – Do you ever feel trapped in your day job? The daily grind getting you down? Then spare a thought for these poor fellows.

Dwarves, Dice, and unbelievable Fantasy role playing games. @ErikB – A wry look into an absurd high-fantasy world where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction whilst simultaneously voting for its own demise. Utterly unbelievable!

Your Move, @HoopyFrood – Long distance relationships are always tough but this one takes it to a whole new level. Simply stellar!

Rolling Bowling Balls, @Parson – I think there are a lot of classical references in this story of rolling thunder but it’s all greek to me.

Speaking in my own defense. @farntfar – A story of a demon having so much fun it's criminal. Not guilty, your honour.

Spacer’s Pinball, @TitaniumTi – In space, no one can hear you scream “Oh b******s!” as you sail merrily off into the cosmos.
@Perpetual Man .... Offers a fantasy world where pain, pleasure, and motivation are intertwined to such a degree that you really can't tell the difference between "Foreplay, Hobbits and Other Pleasure Activities."
