Discussion Thread -- JANUARY 2017 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

Cool stuff, Glen. I've considered doing a serial in one of the challenges...there's one from last year I was really tempted on. But my mind just wanders away from one thought to the next, and...hmm, what were we talking about. ;)

I really liked your story this month, CC

(Wow, that little winky face is kind of scary!!)
Thanks for the short-listing, TDZ!

Two months in a row with no votes; I must be losing my touch.
Less of the self-pity! If there's any drama-queening to be done round here, I'll do it, thank you very much. You got a vote from Chris P. I, on the other hand, was wholly unloved this month... :cry: ;)
Congratulations LS! Spooky - two January wins.

Two months in a row with no votes; I must be losing my touch. Speaking of touch, the trigger on my sniper rifle is hair-sensitive @Cat's Cradle ;)

Thank you for the mentions which seemed quite plentiful this month. I promise not to write anything else about fish or lakes (if I can).

(and @ratsy I see you've finally got a copy of The Fisherman! )

Wodyer mean, no votes? I might be too time limited to edit my short list, but I did so vote… (up in Yorkshire with family).
Less of the self-pity! If there's any drama-queening to be done round here, I'll do it, thank you very much. You got a vote from Chris P. I, on the other hand, was wholly unloved this month... :cry: ;)

Wodyer mean, no votes? I might be too time limited to edit my short list, but I did so vote… (up in Yorkshire with family).

Oh dear, thank you! I didn't think about stealth votes. Also I have no wifi at home and am using my phone as a dongle to post this, so been limiting my chrons scrutinising. (If anyone has noticed the recent flood of posts from me with typos and such, it is because I've been posting for the last week from my cracked phone screen.)

Thanks and:

I'm afraid i didn't get the chance to sort out my vote in time this month, but my favourites authors were

Also many thanks for the mentions from Cat's and Ratsy and the amazing vote from Phyrebrat.
You all cheered me up immensely.

And Congratulations LittleStar.
I apologize for the neglect. I had been working on my short story for a small competition and I neglected this group. I do apologize.
I congratulate the winner for this month's category.
Hurray to all that entered.
Wow time has really flown by the last few weeks sorry I didn't get a chance to vote or make a shortlist:unsure:. But congratulations LittleStar a well won piece!!!
