The chronicles word counter!

Thanks! Only the third piece of work I've properly finished, and probably the one I'm happiest with.
Well done, All my wires, and after that huuuggge edit, alphas?!

Abendau's Children 94000 words, just had another edit, having a readthrough at mo.

Sunset over Abendau 76000 - added 1000 in the last day, deepening, and about half way through edit. Getting alpha feedback, so apart from its and bits leaving alone.

soooo, just started tonight (still to choose the poem, even, a read of Mr Macneice due tonight plus must put SoA's poem at start sometime)

Abendau's Destiny, working title, will probably change, first 20000 or so words planned, ending half thought about - one of two is likely depending on how I feel in 6 months (can I do it, really finish it, gulp?), so that's being started in the next day or two.

And then I can say I wrote a trilogy, even if nowt happens with it. :D (jumping up and down with excitement....) although still to write the blessed thing - calming down....
AMW, hope it's coming my way?

Ok. TBM is now 35k. I've just written a really random scene that I wasn't planning, but cracked me up. Now, 5k to write and I reckon I'll be halfway. Ish.
BM has reached 6k, 2k today. The first two chapters done. The 2nd chapter, 1st scene caused me too many problems. I spent no time thinking about the scene before hand and it caught up to me when I tried to write it. Looking forward to the 3rd chapter that I will start a little bit later.
Ok, deserves a proper one:

Title: The Beautiful Man
Genre: Supernatural tragi-mance
Word count: 37007 words! I'm very pleased with that. 404 of those words are notes, but still!
Status: Ambrose just passed out in a toilet. Mercer just tried to strangle someone. Again. And Jenn's cooked another lasagne. As for me, I'm pulling together plot strings. :D
Yay for Mouse! more lasagne, every book needs some lasagne.

Okay, ignoring the Abendau trilogy, which are at various stages of editing/alpha reading/ planning I have started a new one. My ambition, such as it is, is to get this up to a decent length (70000ish or above) even if it's utter rubbish, just to convince myself I can write something - anything - else.

chapter one written, 998 words.
It seems one of my central ideas may be totally implausible, even for my level of science, so there might need to be a rethink.... but not for another four chapters.
Title: Ink
Genre: YA fantasy
Word Count: 20,712 words.
Status: Halfway through and I'm um about halfway through. Lily finds herself in a brightly lit wilderness dominated by a huge fortress and the smell of frying fish...
Title: Ink
Genre: YA fantasy
Word Count: 20,712 words.
Status: Halfway through and I'm um about halfway through. Lily finds herself in a brightly lit wilderness dominated by a huge fortress and the smell of frying fish...

Considering the title, is it an octopus? (okay, I don't know if that's really a fish)
etc etc etc
67500 words.
that's a good week for me. in fact, a very good week. well over the halfway mark, marching into the North, and ready to go wake up some dragons. oh yes, we have plurality.

it's epic. it's a sequel. it's an epic sequel.
68500 words.
not such a great week in terms of pure wordcount. in terms of writing a rather tricky relationship development scene (aka: a kiss!), however, it's a pretty hot one.
This is a good idea.

My stories:

Unfinished (as if there are any finished yet:D):

Title:The Unicorn's Glade
Genre: Science Fantasy
Word count:About 27k words

Title: None
Genre: Sci-Fi/Mystery
Style: Novel
Word count: Outlined?

Title: The Paranormal Society
Genre: Paranormal/Mystery
Style: Novel Series
Word count: Outlined
So while the first one goes on the backburner for editing, I'm starting the sequel.

I've written a chapter, but I've done a ton of planning and religious background.

The Pale Lion
Word count: 2,243
Plotting and intrigue is abound...
Today I've written 1216 words!!! Which is a-mazing and way better than the two words I wrote yesterday.

So, TBM is now 39706 words. That's 2699 words written since I last posted here five days ago. That's 50k left to write. It's gonna take forever!!
I do hope so! I love this story but I want it done faster, damnit.

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