6.01: Redemption Part one

Um.... I forgot to say before, but pre-flight and in-flight procedures are evidence of S & J emotiveness?

Navigation check.....oxygen, pressure.....check......Inertial dampeners......cool and check.... engines.....check...... all systems operational are little cooing love words between two people who have a thing for each other?


Dammit......I KNEW I was doing something wrong! the next time some guy is whispering sweet nothing in my ear, I'll make sure to tell him that the inertial dampeners are fine. Wow I can see the explosion of passion on his part even now!

I suppose that them both going to eat cake could be classed as a date....... but that pesky penishead Anubis went and spoiled it.....darn it!

:eek: :evil: :evil: :D
Comments, Part Duex

Yep on both counts, Anni. The weapons should have been cleared and the magizine removed *and* the records should have been secured and not left out.

What can I say? They goofed. :(

they've been guilty of just handing over weapons before.

and the files...oh yeah. i was watching and jack gets up adn i'm like....take that stuff with ya will ya???? then again, if they'd just give jack an office, that's where he should be doing this stuff. It's the same with 48 hours....jack catching a nap in the commissayr???? that part just glared with me. He needs an office.

they've run off and left stuff lying around before. in small victories...after davis gives them the info on the sub the klaxons go off....and they just get up and leave this classified briefing stuff on the table. now, this was the briefing room, not the commissary but it was still the same thing.

i noticed one little thing. Jonas asked them how they know what color to wear....sam says we call each other in the morning...then when they're at area 51 who does't match??? sam, jack, teal'c are all in green, jonas is in the cammo. Guess at least the camo would coordinate with whatever color they wore <G>
Comments, Part Tre

I know, Sky. Doesn't keep a part of me from cringing though' ;)

Especially the weapons part. :(

Well, I guess the "squirm factor" was working perfectly for the incorrectly done military elements. If you knew what to look for, you'd well neigh be shouting at the TV and growling underbreath all through the episode. For that weapons handoff I sort of thought the guy who took it didn't have a clue and I was squirming there. I'm far from being expert but I thought someone taught me you keep them pointed to the floor and away from people. So that sort of got me wiggling. I've seen handoffs on the show that didn't stand out so much.

The "call each other in the morning" I thought was some sort of referenced to the glider tech guy and Sam, not the clothing thing. That went right over my head.

okay, Anni, the glider scene was a romantisized, Top-Gun influenced bit of shipping. I just keep waffling between liking and hating shipper stuff. But you gotta admit that I'm Ms. Glass-half-full over this episode. Surely, it proclaimed the series is not dead for another 22 episodes...
okay guys, i'm not a shipper and i didn't notice any shippiness in this ep BUT i really don't see the need to mock people who did. and while i'm on my soapbox can i just say this - WILL YOU PEOPLE PULL IN YOUR CLAWS FCOL! it sounds like a sorority house at "that time of the month" around here.
Shanilka.....calm down a little. I understand that you are concerned that claws might be out, but no one was actually mocking the shippers here...... Personally I found no shippiness in the episode at all and was trying to make light of the fact that some shippiness was apparently detected...possibly with a microscope.

What we are doing is discussing aspects of the episode that we agreed or disagreed with. Discussion generally comes from all points of view. There are those who will 'oooooo' and 'aaaaaaaa' right throught the eppy and do the same when posting, that is their prerogative and their opinions are viable....there are others who will be aggravated at some bits or have opinions about performances or things they think could have been done better and their opinions are just as viable as those who want to oo and aa because for them it's quite simply their Stargate fix. If we appear to state strong opinions, it does not mean that we hate each other or the series.

There is also no need to shout. We were having a very amicable discussion. Nobody has their claws out....

If someone flames someone else, or is deliberately obstructive and rude to another poster then either Rowan, Skydiver or I would have taken them to task for it because that is not allowed.

Feasible and reasonable discussion without resort to personal insult and individual flaming is.

I'm feeling that some people's definition of "shipping scene" is Jack and Sam in the same room, without guns, without crisis and nothing military to talk about. But really how fun is it to have that all the time? :) I'm relying on folks like Anni and Rowan to tell me what's outside the bounds of military conduct. I'm not worried by people getting passionate about the subject. People have to wait for Gatecon to hit me upside the head to enforce their point. :)

But I'm hunting for my Mystery Science Theater 3000 .wav of the title credits "repeat to yourself 'it's just a show,' I should really just relax!" I'll share with everyone.
Originally posted by Anni
There are those who will 'oooooo' and 'aaaaaaaa' right throught the eppy
Hehe, more for me the cats make themselves scarse because I'm bouncing around. I love watching new episodes. I've always loved new eps of whatever show I'm a fan of. I'm mostly yelling at the TV "look at that new X302! Cool!" "Ha! Teal'c's treating it like a brand new sport's car!" And "that effect looks like the wormhole from Farscape and Babylon 5! Arrg!"

Then I watch the VCR tape and pick them apart. :D
LOL......I reckon you and my son would get along like a house on fire. He yells at the TV too. I go away and look for cotton wool!

Occasionally I might groan out loud and even say Oh Puhleeese! if something suspends disbelief, but mostly I am well behaved and quiet.

Originally posted by CynVision
I'm mostly yelling at the TV "look at that new X302! Cool!"

The Spitfire flew round our house twice yesterday - well, technically, it was around Waltham Windmill. Now that really is cool! :cool: :D It has to be one of the most beautiful and graceful 'planes ever to take to the air. And functional. Very, very functional.

Forget the X302. Just scramble a squadron of Spits. :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut - Spitfire groupie :wave:
sorry about the yelling. i just had one post too many hit me the wrong way on a monday morning. this whole fandom fiasco reminds me of an on line essay i read recently called "white line fever". it's about character obsession in fandom.
i highly recommend it.
Yup, a good article :)

I so agree with the bit about "believable characterization".

BTW, is Methos a bad guy? If so, Peter Wingfield must be getting type-cast - on both sides of the Atlantic... :eek:

But then, being British almost guarantees you a villainous role :lol:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Anni - you crack me up!! ;)

Originally posted by Hatshepsut
BTW, is Methos a bad guy? If so, Peter Wingfield must be getting type-cast - on both sides of the Atlantic... :eek:

But then, being British almost guarantees you a villainous role :lol:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:

No - Methos is not a bad guy - well, not as initially introduced on Highlander, tho there is a storyline semi-outlining a bit of his past where he wasn't the 'boy scout' (hehe) ---

(hit the Highlander link in my sig if you wanna read more about Highlander and Methos! <shameless plug>)
Re: Re: For me ...

Originally posted by Hatshepsut
Being a science-fiction fan requires that one suspends one's disbelief for the sake of the story - the journey... And one does that willingly, gladly.

It is therefore incumbent on the writers to place the minimum strain on that goodwill.

We accept the Stargate and wormhole technology. It goes with the territory. However, creating a character with flaws that would automatically bar him utterly from being in the team, and giving him the magical ability to be able to understand anything he reads goes wa-ay beyond the line.

This is fantasy, not science fiction. We've already got the Lord of the Nazgul in Anubis. What's next, Frodo Baggins? Legolas? :rolleyes: Now I'm sure he would up the ratings! :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
As usual, I'm with ya, Hatshepsut. :dead:
Originally posted by Anni
Shanilka.....calm down a little. I understand that you are concerned that claws might be out, but no one was actually mocking the shippers here...... Personally I found no shippiness in the episode at all and was trying to make light of the fact that some shippiness was apparently detected...possibly with a microscope.
We've discussed in the past re: J&S that much of the "shippiness" is actually created by the fans, and is not specifically in the epys. :p
Originally posted by gategeek
okay guys, i'm not a shipper and i didn't notice any shippiness in this ep BUT i really don't see the need to mock people who did. and while i'm on my soapbox can i just say this - WILL YOU PEOPLE PULL IN YOUR CLAWS FCOL! it sounds like a sorority house at "that time of the month" around here.
I beg your pardon (says a greek gal)? ;)
Okay ...

Oaky folks... deep breath time.

Some folks don't see the potential for ship. Some folks don't see the potential for slash. And that's cool. Variety is what makes the world go around.

Please remember it's very hard to actually get a feel for what a person is saying in electronic media. I've reviewed the posts and I honestly don't see a slam anywhere.

Originally posted by Highlander II
No - Methos is not a bad guy - well, not as initially introduced on Highlander, tho there is a storyline semi-outlining a bit of his past where he wasn't the 'boy scout' (hehe) ---

(hit the Highlander link in my sig if you wanna read more about Highlander and Methos! <shameless plug>)

Thanks for that. It was very interesting :)

So Methos is an animated spin-off with Peter Wingfield providing the voice over? Interesting time-line. According to Budge, the first Dynasty, from Thinis, began c.4,400 B.C., not 3,100 B.C., but we all know what Dr. Jackson thought about Budge! :lol:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut - who first saw the original 'Highlander' film in April 1986, six months before it went on general release. </smug> :wave:

P.S. It was slightly different from the final version that reached the cinemas.

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