The Mandalorian - Chapter Eight - The Redemption


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

The Mandalorian comes face-to-face with an unexpected enemy.
Oh man ... what a treat! Thank You Disney, Dave and Jon. Thank You!!!

This episode is double length and it uses every second of it very well, even if there could have been more cuts to hasten the pace. I would not take anything out nor would I put anything in. The only thing I could edit is the flashback scene showing the whole carnage of Imperial Purge. Surprise, it was done by the Super Battle Droids, which you would know are in the Emperor's command rather than bending to the will of the Trader's Guild.

It was Palpatine, who made things the way they are and it does surprise me that at some point, he committed to purge whole Mandalore instead of invading it and forcing the clans to supply him elite troops for the endless wars or to his court to act as bodyguards. There are so many places where they could serve, and it did surprise me that at the end Moff Gideon escaped his Tie fighter with the use of the Black Sabre.

As he is fielding it, he is in command of all Mandalorians as that Is The Way. So it is rather curious that he didn't pull it out at the square and forced the Mandalorian to act under his will. Although Mando could have challenged him in Single Combat, and if he would have won, it would have made Mando the leader instead of a father in search of Yoda's people.

I assume there is going to be a time-jump between the series and we are going to see Yodaling in the next stage of evolution. The interesting proposition about him is that now he's becoming a first Yoda Mandalorian. If he follows the path of the Force, he is going to be able to dance between the Light and the Dark side, without ever becoming one. But it is more likely that because he's travelling with Mando, the Child will become a Sith thus adding to the prophesy of him being the Darth Yoda.


... if this takes a place after the Skywalker saga, then it should be possible that without real teachers, he will become something totally new. There are at least three Jedi Masters left in the galaxy that we know. One of them being Ezra Bridger. another Ashoka Tano and third one being Rey Skywalker. I have theoriesed before that some of the Nightsisters might have survived Emperor's Purge, and if it is true, then there is a possibility of him learning actual Force Magic instead of just the powers.

With the Sith, there are Vader's and Emperor's special projects. One which is presented in the form of the death troopers, in those black kits. I was slightly disappointed that they acted as a prop guard for Moff Gideon instead of taking part in the fight with the "Nurse Droid." It was curious that IG-11's sacrifice didn't made cry, because it fought valiantly and it added to the legend of the IG droids.

You should be scared whenever you see one trodding towards you. I'm also glad that they are no longer there to provide comedy factor, but actually act as part of the crew. To me this episode was one of the best Christmas presents. Thank you.
I've watched the episode twice and it's clear that you saw a lot more in it than I. How do you know that it was Black Sabre that Moff Gideon used? I simply thought "Light Sabre" and figured he was Sith. From the dialogue I gather that Mando is to find the Yoda planet (will we ever get a name instead of Baby Yoda or our "Yodaling?") and return him. Until that time has arrived he is to act like father. He is specifically told that he is not to train the yodaling because "he is too weak?!" -- Which doesn't make a lot of sense in light of his Force abilities.

If the story is going to make use of all of the backstory, I for one would like some indications in the story rather than relying on knowledge which I'm guessing a lot of the audience does not have.

I was very disappointed that Mando has now lost all of his "family." I loved the interaction between him and the drop trooper and IG 11. I am afraid the story will be the worse for it. I am utterly convinced that stories that ring true are "family" stories. Family stories meaning with a group working together. That's why Swiss Family Robinson is at it's heart a much more believable tale than "Robinson Crusoe."

So all in all I was hoping for different; but it still is a cracking good tale.
How do you know that it was Black Sabre that Moff Gideon used?

You go back in the episode where I show Sabine from the Rebels holding a sabre. There is only one of them in the Mandalorian legends, and it's called the Black Sabre.

From the dialogue I gather that Mando is to find the Yoda planet (will we ever get a name instead of Baby Yoda or our "Yodaling?") and return him

They called him Foundling, not Yodaling. I believe Foundling relates to way Mandalorians adopt people now and it's not the name of the species.
I was very disappointed that Mando has now lost all of his "family." I loved the interaction between him and the drop trooper and IG 11. I am afraid the story will be the worse for it. I am utterly convinced that stories that ring true are "family" stories. Family stories meaning with a group working together. That's why Swiss Family Robinson is at it's heart a much more believable tale than "Robinson Crusoe."

I think you are taking this the wrong way. He has not lost a family but gained one. There are still Mandalorians out there. The Imperials could not have purged them all, even if it is suitable for the story to present him as the lonely soldier. I said this before, when Emperor purged Nightsisters and Nightbrothers that it is possible there are still their species around the galaxy. Darth Maul survived the death.

Mandalorian said that they were now a creed, that they accepted people from outside sources to prop up their ranks. That doesn't mean they are all dead. The Armourer survived. She took out the hit squad on her own, without using any blasters. Sure, there was a lot of helmets in that pile, but all of them can be reused. The life goes on, even if Mando lost Kuill and IG11.

When he began this series, he had nobody. Not even the guild. He was alone. Just like Boba Fett, before the Clone Wars. Now he has the Guild, the Yodaling, a mission given by senior Mandalorian, and he has Cara waiting for his return. That's more by my count, not less.

What I'm afraid is that at some point the Baby Yoda loses the shine and the prestige disappears with it. If they want to add up more to this story, twenty minutes isn't enough. Forty is better. They also have to do something about the cheesy acting that has been present in a few scenes. Like in the hoverbike raiders shooting competition. Although funny, the acting was abysmal. The only save was IG-11.

Thing is, they could take this a notch towards darker world, but I'll doubt it happens.
Thing is, they could take this a notch towards darker world, but I'll doubt it happens.

Save us from that!!!! I would hate darker. It's plenty dark enough as it is.

They called him Foundling, not Yodaling. I believe Foundling relates to way Mandalorians adopt people now and it's not the name of the species.

Yes, I agree that "foundling" refers to any orphaned child that the Mandalorians keep and train. One of the major things I like about the Mandalorians. (I am fully aware that Yadaling is our ingroup way of speaking of the unnamed child, which popular media has dubbed "baby Yoda.")

Because you helped me understand a few episodes back, I know some of the legend of the darksaber. If Moff Gideon has the darksaber I didn't recognize it. I thought of it as just another color of light saber. I've been watching the original 9 movies and there doesn't seem to be any relationship to color other than individual choice that I can see. If it is the darksaber, I wouldn't have thought that wielding it necessarily made one a Mandalorian but it seems you think he is. Is Moff Gideon a Mandalorian then?

About family: I'm not sure from what I've seen in these episodes I'd call the Mandalorians "family." It's more like a code or an obligation there is nothing of the selfless love that should characterize a family that I've seen. Now the relationship between the yodaling and Mando does look like family love to me, as did the relationship of IG 11 to the Yodaling. That's one of the reasons I hated seeing IG 11 destroyed, but a destruction that confirmed his selfless programing.

Mando's face: It is interesting that they found a way for the actor to show his face and keep the mystique of the mask.
ctg said:
"They also have to do something about the cheesy acting that has been present in a few scenes. Like in the hoverbike raiders shooting competition. Although funny, the acting was abysmal."

LOL, have to disagree, I thought that scene was a nice bit of light relief, especially the allusion to storm troopers' famously lousy aim. How on earth did they manage to take down Kuiil though? I was really sad for that guy.

parson said:
"I thought of it as just another color of light saber. I've been watching the original 9 movies and there doesn't seem to be any relationship to color other than individual choice that I can see. If it is the darksaber, I wouldn't have thought that wielding it necessarily made one a Mandalorian but it seems you think he is. Is Moff Gideon a Mandalorian then?"

Recently I have been reading some of the Star Wars comics, some of them are actually not bad and are apparently considered to be canon. In the Darth Vader series, we learn how Vader must acquire his new light saber after becoming Darth Vader, (by killing a Jedi), and how he must then force the Kyber crystal that powers the weapon to "bleed", turning the color of the blade Sith red. I cannot believe that Moff Gideon is a Mandalorian. I seem to see a future fight between him and our titular character who deprives him of his ill-gotten and undeserved prize!

Agree that overall this show has rocked, it would be great if the apparently forthcoming Obi Wan show could be as good.
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Because you helped me understand a few episodes back, I know some of the legend of the darksaber. If Moff Gideon has the darksaber I didn't recognize it. I thought of it as just another color of light saber. I've been watching the original 9 movies and there doesn't seem to be any relationship to color other than individual choice that I can see. If it is the darksaber, I wouldn't have thought that wielding it necessarily made one a Mandalorian but it seems you think he is. Is Moff Gideon a Mandalorian then?

It's not just the colour. It's the shape of the blade, which is quite unique compared to normal blades. Also the handle is unique. If you look closely, you'll see it has dark heart and bright, whiteish edge. There might be a couple of places where you might find old school sabres, like the Sith Temple. But I'll doubt they would go that far as it's more likely Moff occupied Mandalorian and stole/found the blade. By holding the sabre makes him the ruler - if he won it in the combat.

According to Mandalorian custom, one could only obtain the Darksaber by defeating the previous owner in combat. Should they have claimed it any other way, their claim was considered illegitimate

At some point prior to 9 ABY, Moff Gideon acquired the blade. He later utilized it to escape from the wreckage of his TIE fighter after a confrontation with Din Djarin, on the planet of Nevarro.
LOL, have to disagree, I thought that scene was a nice bit of light relief, especially the allusion to storm troopers' famously lousy aim.

It doesn't need to be magnified and troopers playing extra stupid. I know their quality went down considerably over the years, but making it that lousy works once, and in following watches the comedy value diminishes.
How on earth did they manage to take down Kuiil though?

Hoverbikes. They are armed.
Finished the season, and I'm an avid fan.
The Mandalorian captures the heart and soul of the original Star Wars. It may have been demoted to "IV" in the franchise, but it will always be Number One with me.
Sounded a little too Swiss for me. :LOL:
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Watched this last night and a pretty decent ending. Some observations, though:

1. Mando brought together a group of people he'd only just met to support him - why didn't he simply ask the other Mandalorians for help in the first place?
2. Considering how tough Mando is, how did so many other Mandolarians manage to get killed?
3. Is the Armorer still alive?
4. Opening shot - did not like. It was just to show time passing for the IG droid to catch up, and you shouldn't diminish your antagonists when there's a lot of tension riding on them
5. If IG's protocol was to protect the child, why did he then ride into battle with it strapped to his chest?!
6. Considering how many stormtroopers they'd killed in the town, a single platoon at the end of the lava river seemed a small task. Why not just throw IG's bomb forward instead?
7. The lava river boat was great symbolic imagery
8. Enjoyed seeing Moth Gideon - he's no Darth Vader, but he's far better than the New Order leaders in the most recent trilogy
9. Enjoyed the "do the hand thing" when faced with the TIE fighter coming in, so the Child waves. :)
10. The group seemed to split up very quickly. However, looking at the Season 2 trailer they may be back

Overall, not a bad show, but it's not as tightly written as the Marvel stuff and there's still room for improvement. Hopefully Mando will drive the plot more now instead of simply drifting into one situation after another. Looking forward to Season 2, which we'll start tonight.
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1. Mando brought together a group of people he'd only just met to support him - why didn't he simply ask the other Mandalorians for help in the first place?

Because he has a social problem, and there aren't that many mandos.

2. Considering how tough Mando is, how did so many other Mandolarians manage to get killed?

They were ambushed and overwhelmed.

3. Is the Armorer still alive?

As far as we know she is still alive, but she doesn't appear in the next season.

If IG's protocol was to protect the child, why did he then ride into battle with it strapped to his chest?!

Droids, what can I say? They all have individual things, protocols and quirks. Yet they get the job done even if it is hazardous and to others. Thing is stormies don't know how to shoot and IG's do. Actually the "assassin droids" are superb shooters, and the IG-11 was a prototype for that infamous series of robots.

I know that they should have tugged the Child somewhere safe, but honestly where is a safe place in desert?

6. Considering how many stormtroopers they'd killed in the town, a single platoon at the end of the lava river seemed a small task. Why not just throw IG's bomb forward instead?

Programming and he needed to make sure that he got the bastards. To be honest, IG-11 was a bit too powerful individual for the group and Waika Taikiki couldn't be in every episode.
