DISCUSSION THREAD -- August 2019 -- 75-Word Writing Challenge

I had some free time! Look at that. Researching for this one was very fun. Some of the entries so far are outstanding in their field.
I had some free time! Look at that. Researching for this one was very fun. Some of the entries so far are outstanding in their field.
I usually sit in my field...


(Which might explain why I never win these things...)
@Stable .... Urban Agri-Fantasy .... Writes a story which gives us the chilling news that "There's a fungus among us."

@Tywin .... A Man’s Word .... Tells a tale of good intentions verses necessities.
@Cathbad Strangely. I came up with some of my best horror stories while sitting in a park, with people having fun there too. Especially the Lovecraftian tales that would pop into my mind as I stared at empty notebook pages that are now being flooded by a new story I thunk up.

Most of the time, I'm here for the fun of hanging with other authors. But, there have been days were I felt an epic story taking root in my mind, growing quickly into a powerful plant monster, ready to do my bidding.

Then, like others here, I try to squish an idea into 75 words. Hacksaw, or wood chipper, you decide. I've axed stories too, that were too large to shave down. I would settle for another choice, which is usually simpler to write.

Mark NIXIE's words, "It will come."
Ashleyne makes the inner lives of flora relate to our own.

I'll tell you all something, I was astonished and confused at Ashleyne's story.

I couldn't get all the smelly genital stuff and was thinking "this is a bit rude, isn't it?"

Then I finally went online to Google plant genitalia and I was like "aha!"

I'll tell you all something, I was astonished and confused at Ashleyne's story.

I couldn't get all the smelly genital stuff and was thinking "this is a bit rude, isn't it?"

Then I finally went online to Google plant genitalia and I was like "aha!"

Thanks for clearing that up
Back to a PG rating (y)
@Hugh .... Turf Wars .... Hugh leads us down the garden path away from slime and into the clutches of a fast and hard mob.


I don't think I've ever been so bereft of a story idea. This may be one of the few times the Parson does not make an appearance.
@astrodan .... The Greenhouse .... Dan gives us a view of a life after tragedy.

@Bruce MacLean .... The Swiss .... Bruce shows how even the most deadly can still work to be carbon neutral.
