Which alien species would you like to be?

Vince W

Towel Champion
Sep 9, 2011
If you could be any alien species from any book, film, television programme, game, or whatever, which would it be and why?

Off the cuff it would be easy to choose Romulan, Klingon, or Affront. However, after giving this some unnecessary thought I've decided I would like to be a Pierson's Puppeteer. The reason for this is that I read Ringworld at a young age and it was probably the first intelligent alien I encountered that wasn't a basic human type variation. The Puppeteer species is unique physically, but also socially. For a 9 year-old it was pretty exotic stuff.
Puppeteers have unpleasant reproduction along with being cowardly vegans, so not for me. Pak protector could be cool but they are not really aliens. Slaver offers a lot of power and fantastic weapons. With the downside that everyone in the galaxy fears and hates you.

Timelord would be fun.
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Puppeteers have unpleasant reproduction along with being cowardly vegans, so not for me. Pak protector could be cool but they are not really aliens. Slaver offers a lot of power and fantastic weapons. With the downside that everyone in the galaxy fears and hates you.

Timelord would be fun.

Yeah, I figure the Q can do anything a Timelord can, but without that pesky compulsion to go around saving people all the time. Otherwise I’m Timelord all the way.
Timelords have no such compunction. Even the famous one had no interest in helping others until a pair of pesky English schoolteachers pushed him into it.
Tralfamadorian. Can't beat 4-D vision, even if you do look like a hand attached to a plunger.
