Discussion Thread -- April 2017 75-word Writing Challenge

"Arise SockPuppets! Arise
Your Master needs you
Arise my lovelies, my sweet minions,
Arise and vote like crazy!"

Phew. That should do it.

What's that, public posts? Didn't you fix the Underlator??? Ok, all is not lost, just hit the delete button. Broken? What do you MEAN broken???
Well, I voted for Stuart again. Really fine story.

@Ursa major .... Thanks for the runner up status!
Thanks Parson. I mean, it's 75 words...but you know...it does kinda feel like a full story. As do many of the entrants. Isn't it truly shocking what can be achieved with so few words?
I might have to scalp my stuff that bit further....
Arg. I missed the main vote while on holidays! Thanks so much to Suzanne for the vote! that made my day :) And thanks to everyone who mentioned, long and short listed my little story.

I voted in the tie-breaker though
Belated thanks for the honorables, time ran away from me while prepping my impending holibobs. Nearly missed the tiebreak vote as well, but vote...err...voted. Sent. Cast. Whatever
Congratulations @HoopyFrood The whole idea of playing a game of chess (no less) at millions of years per move was original and mind boggling.

@Stuart Suffel .... Second and in a tie break is very honorable, and your story was wonderful.
