Marvel's Jessica Jones

I`m over halfway through now and am really enjoying it. I think that it has been done very well, and the casting is exempilary. David Tennant seems so likeable and then you realise, which makes him all the more threatening. I`ve been trying to work out whether he is actually aware of what he is doing, whether it is wrong, or if he just does does not know.

I`ve enjoyed a lot of the dialogue and there have been some great scenes, just little touches.

I`m not sure wether I think it is better than Daredevil yet, but it does set the scene nicely for Cage, I`m not sure whether it is going to intersect with this or not, but it`s going to be interesting to say the least

Was Jessica in a no win situation about her role in Luke`s wife`s death. It took Luke a long while to come around to the idea that Killgrave was out there and that he could control people. If Jessica told him then he would not have believed it and blamed her in entirety. But by waiting until he did believe and their relationship had deepened, he felt betrayed because she had not told him earlier....
Yes, he's quite menacing, isn't he? Brrrrr. Good work from David.
4 episodes in, and I feel like the show is very good, but perhaps a notch below Daredevil. I'm trying to watch it in small doses, but I probably will finish it in a week or two.
I think if it had more action scenes, I would likely put it on par with Daredevil. All of the actors are excellent, it just seems a little plodding at times.
Hopefully going to watch the last episode tonight!

I've really enjoyed it from beginning to near end.
Yep Will, I agree with what you say. Daredevil is a hard act to follow. The lingering question is going to be how does she defeat a villain who can undo her by simply opening his mouth.
I watched the last episode last night and really enjoyed it. As a whole I have felt that the series has built perfectly onto the foundations of this darker part of the Marvel Universe established by Daredevil and am happily looking forward to Cage.

The end was a bit short for my liking, but seemed to fit the downbeat feel to the series. It was nice to see the main characters being moved into their new positions.

For myself I actually preferred the series to Daredevil, I thought the ending was better. (This is only because I did not like the resolution of the Kingpin's storyline). Whereas here we had a proper resolution, and it was the only way it could have ended.

David Tennant was perfect as Killgrave, and it will be strange to see him as The Doctor again. He played it perfectly and really suited the strange 'innocence' of the role. It was quite refreshing to see a villain, who did not see himself as the bad guy, that he was just doing what came naturally to him, from his perspective he was not evil, just doing what he needed to survive and be happy.

Jessica Jones worked well throughout, as someone so damaged that she was barely existing. Hopefully dealing with Killgrave will be the start of her becoming more functional again, and more importantly her relationship with Luke might help her more than anything.

It was refreshing to see the way people were reacting around her at the end, a lot more positively.

Roll on season 2.
Seen it all, loved it all. I think it's way better than Daredevil, which I gave up on after a few episodes. Although I am now considering giving it another go.

As others have said, David Tennant was truly excellent as Killgrave. Really quite disturbing in fact. Krysten Ritter was also fantastic as JJ.

Far as I'm concerned this is the best thing on TV since Buffy. I believe a second series is currently under consideration, so fingers crossed for a yes.

It looks like Simpson and the 'super soldiers' are being set up as next season's Big Bad. And I loved that reference to Buffy!
Now, now Drof, he was said it was the best thing since Buffy not like Buffy. ;)
Ha! Yes, best thing *since* Buffy. Whether it's as good as or like Buffy very much remains to be seen. Also, I'm a she :)
Okay, you might want to consider putting that, and other things in your profile. You've been here two years after all. :confused:
Ha! Yes, best thing *since* Buffy. Whether it's as good as or like Buffy very much remains to be seen. Also, I'm a she :)

Ooops, it's the second time of done that around here. Many apologies Idoru. :oops:
No worries! Unfortunately I'm a cat either ...

I've filled in that profile bit now - I probably thought I'd already done it.
Finished JJ yesterday; I really liked it, and I like that although her story is happening alongside Daredevil's
(nice touch setting up Claire to be the meeting point between all storylines)
it has a distinct feel to it. From what I've read about 'Luke Cage', it will also have it's own distinct feel.

David Tennant was perfect as Killgrave, and it will be strange to see him as The Doctor again. He played it perfectly and really suited the strange 'innocence' of the role. It was quite refreshing to see a villain, who did not see himself as the bad guy, that he was just doing what came naturally to him, from his perspective he was not evil, just doing what he needed to survive and be happy.

Yes. Pretty much everything Tim said.

Jessica Jones worked well throughout, as someone so damaged that she was barely existing. Hopefully dealing with Killgrave will be the start of her becoming more functional again, and more importantly her relationship with Luke might help her more than anything.

And again. (y)

(Also, am I the only one here who had @Idoru correctly identified as 'she'??? :ROFLMAO: )
You mention Claire - did you know she is based on a comic character from the 70's, who even had her own ongoing title called Night Nurse. And due to her appearance on the television it is a title being relaunched.
I finished this up on the weekend, and really enjoyed it. I think I preferred Daredevil overall, although my wife definitely liked Jessica Jones more - she actually stopped watching Daredevil with me after the first few episodes.

My one criticism would be that they may have had too many episodes to fill, and it dragged on a little with all the near misses. I also thought that Jessica was purposefully (and narratively) stupid after she found his parents. She wanted this evidence of Kilgrave using his powers, but there's a couple of key witnesses right there who can testify to what he is. Use the cutthroat lawyer you have and build your case around them. Don't send them in to, at best, have him simply not use his powers as he did with Jessica, and at worst, well, what happened.

Also once she resolved to kill him, I'd have been looking to bring in a sniper...

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