DISCUSSION THREAD -- August 75 Word Challenge

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Fairytales, fantasy, love?

I think I'll take the month off:eek:

Anyone fancy Barbados?

"Dismemberment, Brutality and Bloodbaths, Oh My!", stated Dorothy in trepidation as she huddled closer to the Tin Man and Scarecrow. Peering into the murky shadowed depths of the entangled trees she missed the mindless gleam of madness within the Scarecrows vacant eyes watching the the Heartless Tin Man's axe rise back in an arc, silhouetted against the backdrop of the full moon.

Such a beautiful, trusting child the rusty voice rasped through metal lips as the Scarecrow erupted in barks of hollow guffaws. Too late Dorothy felt the shiver of dread run down her spine . . .

Oh, yea, fairly tales are boring . . .

On the other hand, I may agree with GrimBear . . .
I've read the Wikipedia entry on Fairytale Fantasy, and I'm still clueless as to how it differs from plain Fantasy. Anybody have a more enlightening explanation?

I have lots of fairytale books, including a decent collection of other countries' fairytales and folktales, and I have lots of fantasy books, but I would say the main difference between fairytales and fantasy books is that fairytales are considerably shorter and don't concern themselves with the overall possible-ness (possibilities is not the right word there) of the world in which they take place. I think that's summed up in the part in Wikipedia that talks about "world-building" and the lack thereof.

I think Fairy Tales are our ancestors version of urban myths.
Stories to impart warning and caution typically to children, but which embrace the attitudes of the community.

I also believe many of the theme's in Fairy Tales, like legends, often carry the kernel of truth within them. Think of that ostracised old hag trying to scrabble out a living alone in the woods, worrying about how she will survive the winter. The put upon father trying to appease his new wife who shares the same concerns and these waifs, who are too young to contribute to the families survival but consume the majority of it's resources.

Now the hag spots these innocents alone, deep in the woods after being abandoned by their father . . .

ooohhh, "shivers" :)
Right I have chosen one and posted...hopefully people will get it...*runs over and hides in a corner, abandoning piece of writing to its fate*
I understood it fine, Kylara. Chuckled even. :)

There's a nice selection forming already.
Thanks StilLearning...I had fun! glad you like it!

Great twist, by the way!
JUst started reading through the stories to get the comments started and had a sudden flash of inspiration, so have been distracted. The comments will appear soo.

I hope.

(The story came in at 88 words so needs a bit of chopping and I have another two ideas that need looking at...)
JUst started reading through the stories to get the comments started and had a sudden flash of inspiration, so have been distracted. The comments will appear soo.

I hope.

(The story came in at 88 words so needs a bit of chopping and I have another two ideas that need looking at...)

Take the ball and run with it, man. Chop the thirteen words out and post.
Well I'm posted. Earlier than usual. I had an idea for a story, but when I started to type, it didn't feel right - so I fell back on poetry! The words seemed to come quite quickly, starting as usual with a final rhyming couplet.

Some great entries so far; Cul I really like yours!
Can't say I'm so enthralled by the unrequited love theme this month, though I do enjoy fairytales. Couldn't manage the last 300 word challenge so going to at least give this month some extra to make up for it

Needs some mulling over for now though
Thanks kshRox!

James, not liking this month's theme would seem quite appropriate given the subject matter!:D

You're doing the right thing giving it a go, good luck!
It feels very strange to be sitting here on the 4th with the rest of the month free! I've gotten into quite a habit of waiting till the last second, lately.

Maybe I can think about my other projects this month.
Actually, I wanted to say to RC Grant - thanks for the difficult theme! It's really challenging to come up with story I can write on love and emotion, and it's good for me as a literary midget to get stretched like this.
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