Black Static


Roy G
Oct 19, 2006
Cheshire, UK
Although the title of this section is Interzone I will post news of Black Static here rather than continue a conversation started with Lin in the Magazine Cover Art thread

TTA Press published 'The Third Alternative', a magazine which contained SF, fantasy, horror, weird and slipstream material. After TTA acquired 'Interzone' which also contained SF genre material 'The Third Alternative' needed to be rethought and 'Black Static' is the result. BS will contain material that could be described as being at the horror end of the genre spectrum which includes SF, fantasy & slipstream. IZ contains the SF and fantasy. Sometimes this will lead to tricky choices for Andy Cox, the editor, but he'll have fun with it.

It is strongly recommended that you study the magazine before submitting. This will obviously greatly improve your chances of acceptance.
Obviously it's not ideal to start the guidelines for a new magazine with those words but as BS is the follow up to 'The Third Alternative' it can be forgiven.

'Black Static' will be out in September and I expect to be selling volume 1 number 1 at Fantasycon in Nottingham the month.

More about BS here Black Static One
Andy Cox, Black Static's editor and publisher thinks my description of the magazine's contents
material that could be described as being at the horror end of the genre spectrum which includes SF, fantasy & slipstream.
was, to say the least, insipid and in fact it will be full blooded horror and he will have no problems distinguishing that from all the other submissions he receives for Interzone and Crimewave.
Christopher Fowler's Interference

Chris is currently writing the award-winning Bryant & May books, dark tales of death and detection set in London. The latest volumes, White Corridor and Ten Second Staircase are out now from Transworld Books. His latest collection of short stories, Old Devil Moon, is out this Christmas from Serpent’s Tail.

Chris will have a regular Black Static column, Interference, and you can talk to him about this, and his work, on the Black Static forum via a link at T3A SPACE
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After many trials and tribulations it's in the post to subscribers.

If you want a single copy post here, or on the TTA Black Static forum, or you can buy single issues direct from TTA, albeit at the 'back issue' price.
I am due to be on a panel at Novacon on 3 November.
I could take along some Black Statics to sell if I can find/cadge a space somewhere. If anyone wants to reserve a copy and pick it up there let me know here.

Alternatively if anyone is dealing at that con or any other and wants to sell Black Static let me know.

If you can't get to Novacon BS is available direct from the publisher, by mail from BBR, or in good shops like Murder One in London and Transreal in Edinburgh
Issue 2 has gone to press.
In the Hole by Lisa Tuttle & Steven Utley
The Serpent and the Hatchet Gang by F. Brett Cox
Must See to Appreciate by Scott Nicholson
Unknown by Steve Rasnic Tem
In the Shape of a Dragon by Mélanie Fazi
Ash-Mouth by Lynda E. Rucker
Holding Pattern by Andrew Humphrey
White Noise
Night’s Plutonian Shore by Mike O’Driscoll
Case Notes by Peter Tennant (includes an interview with Mick Scully)
Interference by Christopher Fowler
Blood Spectrum by Tony Lee
Japan’s Dark Lanterns by John Paul Catton
Electric Darkness by Stephen Volk
…and a few other things such as the chance to win a DVD and a quite staggeringly brilliant stick man drawing. (You don’t get to win the stick man drawing, you just get to admire it.)

Subscribe via
Roy, Andy,

JPC pointed me toward Black Static, but could I find it in Forbidden Planet? Like arse I could.

Is it solely distributed via tinternets and conventions at the moment, or does it have
traditional distributiou routes too? (I do so hate having to buy stuff off tinternets).

Ta chaps!
Sorry Troo distribution a problem I have not solved at all. Murder One on Charing X Rd London and Transreal in Edinburgh are the only stockists but I may take some to a Birmingham Group meeting next February.

You can pay by cheque if you don't like cards over the net or paypal.
E mail me via roy (at) ttapress (dot) demon (dot) co (dot) uk. Single issues are more expensive by post because of the extra work involved.

A 6 issue sub is £21. Can't be bad.
I don't know but you may be lucky and, in any case, BS 2 is going out now so they should have those very soon.
Black Statics now has an E Edition and issues 1, 2 & 3 are 'up' on Fictionwise now. Download them to your Sony Reader or Amazon Kindle or any other device at a reasonable price whenever you like.
Black Static 4 Out now. Royle, Williams, Goodfellow,

Issue 4 of Black Static: Transmissions From Beyond is out now, with new stories by Nicholas Royle, Conrad Williams, Cody Goodfellow and others.
As usual, cover and all original art is by David Gentry.

New Original Horror Fiction:
Cleaning the Western Kittiwake by Tyler Keevil

Atwater by Cody Goodfellow

Zombie by Conrad Williams

Salt by Nicholas Royle

Ye Shall Eat in Haste by Steve Nagy

This Much I Remember by Barry Fishler

Non Fiction:
White Noise (news compiled by Peter Tennant)
Electric Darkness by Stephen Volk
Blood Spectrum by Tony Lee (DVD reviews and competitions)
Case Notes by Peter Tennant (an interview with Conrad Williams plus book reviews, sidebars, factoids and featurettes)
Japan’s Dark Lanterns by John Paul Catton
Night’s Plutonian Shore by Mike O’Driscoll
Black Static is published bimonthly. Subscribe now!

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