Famous Movie Lines


Fierce Vowelless One
Apr 25, 2003
Help! I'm stuck in the forums!
Name the movie from the quote, then give another quote for the next guess...

What movie is this line from:
"We've got cows!"

If you are stumped at any time, ask for a clue.
Oh, man. That's my favorite line from "Twister". Cool movie.

Okay. Now I have to think of a good quote from another film. Hmmmm.....What movie is this line from:

"This is better than Goofy Golf."

P.S. I think this is an exact quote; even if it isn't (I'm not in a position to check it right now), it is close enough that if you've seen the movie, you should know it.
dwndrgn said:
You've got me stumped. The only thing that comes to mind is National Lampoon's Vacation but I don't think that is it.
Okay - here's a hint. There is a Johnny Mathis song in the same film.

Yeah, I know, not much of a hint - but I don't want to make it too easy yet; it isn't exactly an obscure film.
Shoot! Still stumped. It must be one I've not seen, usually I can tell by the type of diologue where it is from but this I don't recognize. Oh well, I'll let someone else figure it out
littlemissattitude said:
"This is better than Goofy Golf.".
That would be "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

"Alright, you primative screwheads, listen up!"
littlemissattitude said:
Quite right, Gnome. I'm proud of you. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue what movie your line is from. Hints?
Another quote from the same film. This should make it easy.

"This......is my Boomstick!"
More clues:

13th century



Book of the Dead

Sam Raimi

Wouldn't have thought this movie was that obscure.
You are correct, Brian! Sam Raimi directed it. And you should rent it sometime, but watch EVIL DEAD II first. It's a sequel to that.

But Brian, you didn't leave a quote!
I'm thinking "Aliens"? If so here's a new one.

"Remember the time you tried to drill a hole in your head?"

"That would have worked if you handn't stopped me"
Okay - I have no idea about the above two quotes, so I'll choose an easy one: :)

(momentary shock) "You're going to need a bigger boat".

2 points if you can give the actor's name, AND the character name. :D
Incognito said:
Okay - I have no idea about the above two quotes, so I'll choose an easy one: :)

(momentary shock) "You're going to need a bigger boat".

2 points if you can give the actor's name, AND the character name. :D
Jaws....Roy Scheider......Chief Brody!
