February SciFi Suggestions

No suggestions? I can't believe that nobody has a specific book they've been interested in but just haven't gotten around to reading yet that they'd like to suggest. C'mon people, don't be shy!
Here's one for you, a comic SF from a familiar author:

Lost and Found by Alan Dean Foster
Again, I cannot post the link or any text here (I suspect it is something to do with my new browser) but you guys can find it easily. You'll notice that this book is a tad outside the suggested publishing time-period, but I'm allowing it because this author and his books have not been discussed at length here and this book specifically hasn't even been mentioned.
I would like to suggest On Basilisk Station by David Weber. This is book 1 in his Honor Harrington series which currently consists of 11 books, 4 anthologies and 1 spin-off book.

Lair of the Black Dragon
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."
Unfortunately, the Book Club is no longer functional. It has been tried several times, but breaks down within a month or so; so there won't be any such joint reading undertaken... at least not by an official book club; though if a group of members wishes to do so independently, I don't think there would be any objection to that....

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