John Christopher: Bibliography


Young at Heart
Mar 23, 2005
Northern California, USA
1. When the Tripods Came (1967)
2. The White Mountains (1967)
3. The City of Gold and Lead (1967)
4. The Pool of Fire (1968)
The Tripods Trilogy (omnibus) (1980)
Tripods Boxed Set (omnibus) (2003)

Prince in Waiting
1. The Prince in Waiting (1970)
2. Beyond the Burning Lands (1971)
3. The Sword of the Spirits (1972)
The Prince in Waiting Trilogy (omnibus) (1983)

1. Fireball (1981)
2. New Found Land (1983)
3. Dragon Dance (1986)

The Winter Swan (1949)
The Twenty-Second Century (1954)
The Year of the Comet (1955)
aka Planet in Peril
The Death of Grass (1956)
aka No Blade of Grass
The Caves of Night (1958)
A Scent of White Poppies (1959)
The Long Voyage (1960)
aka The White Voyage
The World in Winter (1962)
aka The Long Winter
Cloud on Silver (1964)
aka Sweeney's Island
The Possessors (1964)
A Wrinkle in the Skin (1965)
aka The Ragged Edge
The Little People (1966)
Pendulum (1968)
The Lotus Caves (1969)
The Guardians (1970)
Dom and Va (1973)
aka In The Beginning
Wild Jack (1974)
Empty World (1977)
A Dusk of Demons (1993)
Bad Dream (2003)

Anthologies containing stories by John Christopher
No Place Like Earth (1954)
Stories for Tomorrow (1954)
Best SF (1955)
Tales of Science Fiction (1964)
The 4th Ghost Book (1965)
Argosy Vol. XXVII No. 11 (1966)
Best SF 6 (1966)
Tales of Unease (1966)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 190 (1967)
The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural (1967)
The 10th Pan Book of Horror Stories (1969)
More Tales of Unease (1969)
The Best Science Fiction Stories (1977)
To Follow a Star (1977)
Space Stories (1996)
Dangerous Vegetables (1998)

Short Stories
Christmas Tree (1949) (writing as Christopher S Youd)
Balance (1951)
Socrates (1951)
Mr Kowtshook (1953)
The New Wine (1954)
Manna (1955)
A Few Kindred Spirits (1965) Nebula (nominee)
Communication Problem (1966)
Rendezvous (1966)
The Little People (concluding part) (1967)
The Long Night (1974)
A Cry of Children
Hapladies (writing as Anthony Rye)
Ringing Tone

Wow... lots of books to discuss! Feel free and enjoy. :)
What kind of age range are we looking for in these books?
rune said:
What kind of age range are we looking for in these books?
Hadn't forgotten you question, Rune. Just took me awhile to get focused on my duties here at the forum. Life is busy at the moment. But I did find what you were wanted. Hope this helps:
Adult fiction
The Twenty-Second Century
The Year of the Comet
Planet in Peril
The Death of Grass
No Blade of Grass
The Caves of Night
A Scent of White Poppies
The Long Voyage
The White Voyage
The World in Winter
The Long Winter
Cloud on Silver
Sweeney's Islan
The Possessors
A Wrinkle in the Skin
The Ragged Edge
The Little People
Children's fiction
The White Mountains
The City of Gold and Lead
The Pool of Fire
The Lotus Caves
The Guardians
The Prince in Waiting
Beyond the Burning Lands
The Sword of the Spirits (A short story called "Of Polymuf Stock" is also set in this milieu.)
Dom and Va also known as "In The Beginning
Wild Jack
Empty World
New Found Land
Dragon Dance
When The Tripods Came
A Dusk of Demons

Here is a wonderful article about John, explains more and where I found this information from.
I read The Prince in Waiting back in 6th grade and enjoyed the series. I'm not sure I ever read any of his other works. - by the way, I had completely forgotten this author and what the series was called! Thanks so much for the complete list!
It should be noted that John Christopher novels are extremely well written and even the children's books can be a delightful read for adults. I have the Tripod Trilogy on my bookshelves.
I loved this guy - but it is impossible to get his books now, either here in SOuth Africa or in the UK. They all seem out of print.
I loved the Tripods when I was younger and I read them again recently; they still hold up very well and are strongly crafted stories - if I can track them down I would be interested in reading his other works.
I just read "Death of Grass" and what an amazing story that was. Makes me definitely want to read more by this author. Anyone care to recommend anything that I might like? Although I realise his books are hard to get hold of, I might be lucky again like I was with this one; that I picked up for £1.50 in a second hand store.
I don't know how it is in the UK, but The Tripod Trilogy and The Prince in Waiting are considered YA classics in this country and almost invariably turn up in the children's section at libraries. Perhaps it's the same where you are

But I had no idea he wrote books for adults. It looks like I'll be doing a bit of searching, too.
I could really do with some urgent recommendations for good (preferably adult) fiction by this author. There's about a twenty of his paperbacks turned up in my second hand book store and I've no idea what to try. Perhaps I should just go for another apocalyptic novel since I liked "Death of Grass" so much...such as "The Long Winter" perhaps?
Fried Egg - Try a wrinkle in the skin. Again its young adult but still has a dark side to it. I think I read somewhere that John Christopher wanted to give a more realistic vision of how british society would react in a crisis, after he had read John Wyndham's day of the triffids.
Fried Egg - Try a wrinkle in the skin. Again its young adult but still has a dark side to it. I think I read somewhere that John Christopher wanted to give a more realistic vision of how british society would react in a crisis, after he had read John Wyndham's day of the triffids.

Sounds like The Death Of Grass, which is an interesting book.
I have Prince in Waiting trilogy omnibus that i dont even remember buying as second hand. I only know i bought it because of Mad Max like cover.

Any one who can tell me anything about that series ? What kind of story, writing is it? YA SFF?
Finally got around to reading "A Wrinkle in the Skin" which was another post apocalyptic adventure story. Very good but not quite as devastatingly brilliant as "The Death of Grass".

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