Box Office Blockbuster Films You've Grown to Dislike and Despise

Goodfellas 1990 Don't get me wrong this a great gangster film well acted and well made . I liked it one point but after have seeming a number times . But I can no longer stand this film .
Not to mention The Battle of Stirling Bridge without the bridge, which played a rather important part in the battle. I see some modern Sottish historians are daring to mutter the heresy that it was Andrew Moray that actually won the battle and that Wallace was just his assistant, In fact when Wallace did actually lead an army after Moray died he lost.

Also, the Scots didn't wear kilts timeframe. :unsure:
Or paint their faces.

or talk like Glasgow dockers.

Personally I have come to loath the Indiana Jones films. Actually it didn't take me long. I loved the first one when it came out and eagerly looked forward to the second - in the cinema, about halfway through, I realised what a sadistic nasty racist film it was behind all the thud and blunder. I think I've watched the third on video but know I haven't seen the fourth.
I rewatched them all recently and it's definitely a mixed bag. The first is still excellent, but the second is terrible in about fifteen different ways. It's amazing one film can contain so many bad decisions. I was disappointed by the third, which had its moments but felt slightly weak, and the fourth just isn't terribly good.
I rewatched them all recently and it's definitely a mixed bag. The first is still excellent, but the second is terrible in about fifteen different ways. It's amazing one film can contain so many bad decisions. I was disappointed by the third, which had its moments but felt slightly weak, and the fourth just isn't terribly good.

I liked the actor Amrish Puri who played Molar Ram. Had they use Toth Amon in the 1982 Conan film, he would have been my choice to play that part. He was terrific actor. :cool:
I liked the actor Amrish Puri who played Molar Ram.

He's fine, in the campy way that a villain in such a film ought to be. It's just... well, almost everything else that's bad! Even avoiding internet jargon like "white saviour narrative", most of the Indian characters are like something from a 1970s comedy routine. And then there's the replacement of Marion (or someone like her) with two sidekicks who are at best irritating, the over-reliance on bugs, snakes and cheap gross-outs, the whole bit where the father-figure tries to kill the son-character (which is just fine in a kids' film), the lack of car-chases and gunfights which worked so well in Raiders, and... yeah, it's not good. The musical number's quite decent, though.
The language spoken by the Scots in William Wallace's time was a from of Gaelic wasn't it ?
Depends where you were in Scotland at that time. The country has never had a distinct single language. Gaelic was spoken in the West, Pictish in the northeast (until the demise of the Picts), Scandinavian in the northern isles and a mixture of Scots and English in the south and southeast. Arguments still rage on whether Scots is a language or a dialect of English. In Wallace’s time, Pictish and Scandinavian were gone but the rest remained.
One of my great disliked movies was Flash Gordon (1980). Just too farcical. Like a 10 year old's vision of a satire. The only saving grace was music by Queen, but music by itself does not a movie make.
One of my great disliked movies was Flash Gordon (1980). Just too farcical. Like a 10 year old's vision of a satire. The only saving grace was music by Queen, but music by itself does not a movie make.

I think judged by today's standards it may appear so, but back in the 80s this movie was a close representation of the comic books and the Saturday morning matinees on which it was inspired. We no longer have 2 dimensional superheroes, they all seem to have a back story and a darker side to their characters, which is why I think Flash Gordon looks odd in comparison.

And yes, the music by Queen was brilliant (as was their soundtrack to Highlander).
I think judged by today's standards it may appear so, but back in the 80s this movie was a close representation of the comic books and the Saturday morning matinees on which it was inspired. We no longer have 2 dimensional superheroes, they all seem to have a back story and a darker side to their characters, which is why I think Flash Gordon looks odd in comparison.

And yes, the music by Queen was brilliant (as was their soundtrack to Highlander).

I unironically love Flash Gordon. Above all things it's just excellent fun with some amazing scenery chewing that elevates it above mere camp. It's a kind of movie that I wish they still made - bright coloured, amazing costume design, and a swashbuckling spectacle without being dumb or trying hard be too clever. Eminently quotable too:


"Klytus I'm bored, what plaything can you offer me today?"

"Do you want to live forever, Hawkmen? DIVE!"

"What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?!"
I unironically love Flash Gordon. Above all things it's just excellent fun with some amazing scenery chewing that elevates it above mere camp. It's a kind of movie that I wish they still made - bright coloured, amazing costume design, and a swashbuckling spectacle without being dumb or trying hard be too clever. Eminently quotable too:


"Klytus I'm bored, what plaything can you offer me today?"

"Do you want to live forever, Hawkmen? DIVE!"

"What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?!"

Max Von Sydow steals the show as Ming .:cool:
"Flash! I love you, but we only have 14 hours to save the Earth!"

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