Four New Books!!

I really wish she would take a leaf out of for example Clive Cussler book.

Find a writer or two she really trusts to stay with her vision and ideas and let them write new full books set in the Potterverse.
With quality control it could work.
Books can be set anywhere within the timeline of the main series or after or long before even grindelwald was born.

Lets see what the goblin wars were like and all about.
I don't need to know any of this.

One commonality that Lewis, Tolkien, Howard and all the early fantasy writers had was that they did not overly explain their magic. Magic just is. For me, if a person begins to read a fantasy novel, then the person has already suspended their disbelief. If a person views The Matrix, then that person has already suspended their disbelief in a number of ways. If a person votes for an established politician, then that person has already suspended their belief in reality.

Anyway, I do not need to know how it works (except for Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series in which it was essential to the story to explain magic up front).

One tremendous aspect, of Rowling's seven book tale, is how Tom Riddle... and Lily's sacrifice... and Dumbledore's kindness... and Snape's frustrations... and Harry's abilities are all easily traced throughout the series. The only part that seems tacked on last minute is Luna Lovegood. (Nothing for the first four books... and BAM!!! Here's Luna!) So the new explanation of magic seems irrelevant, unnecessary, and poorly timed.
