Looking for Space Exploration / Discovery Books


New Member
Jun 10, 2018
Boynton Beach, FL
Looking for books that kind of have a "lost in space" theme, but the journey's end is not "home", it could have started out that way but as with life things change, and instead of home the end goal becomes something along the lines of exploration for the sake of it. There are a number of examples I could give but am having a total brain fart, however...Stargate Universe, though a short lived TV show with a lot of flaws, I really like how it ended, where the main charcters realized that going back home was really not any option anymore and thus decided to continue on traveling (somewhat blindly) through space and tackling whatever challenges arose. Please get in touch with any recommendations, thanks.
Nonstop by Brain Aldiss
The Exiles Trilogy by Ben Bova
Moved from Book Search as it isn't asking for the title of a specific book
Looking for books that kind of have a "lost in space" theme, but the journey's end is not "home", it could have started out that way but as with life things change, and instead of home the end goal becomes something along the lines of exploration for the sake of it.

Welcome to the chronicles forums @alreese83 . :)

One of the classic SF books is Tau Zero by Poul Anderson, which has people moving on and on through the universe and how time is relative. A personal favourite is also Endeavour by Ralph Kern, which has a similar theme but more focus on exploration.

Hope that helps. :)
Ben Bova's Grand Tour Series was pretty enjoyable and could be seen as exploration.

Can't Beat Artur C. Clarke's Rendezvous With Rama.

Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks, whilst not an exploration story does take us to some pretty unique destinations.
If only there was something similar to the movie Interstellar, with great characters and a cracking tale that ramps up the suspense. I have not read much SF, I have only read Islands in the Sky by Arthur C. Clarke and a Bob Shaw book about 2 people stuck on a planet that has lasers for lightning and rocket propelled arrows when shot from a bow. I think it was called Killer Planet. That was 25 years ago. I feel old now
Welcome to the Chrons, @alreese83.
For something a little different, you might try Space Mac, by Emma Jane (our own @Mouse). Not so much about exploration as a goal, but as a byproduct. However, it might fit some of your criteria.

It's a silly (in a good way), not overlong space opera romp, with a ne'er-do-well accidentally transported into a distant galaxy. He joins the kind of dodgy crew of a space ship, finding himself on the wrong side of the law even on the far side of the stars. Without meaning to drop any spoilers, part of it is about finding a sense of belonging.

So, a bit like Firefly, or perhaps The Long Way to A Small Angry Planet, but with British quirkiness.
Hi Alreese, you've had some off-beat suggestions here, many of which are not really what you're looking for, in my opinion. The Poul Anderson Tau Zero does involve a long term trip without a clear destination, but its not really what you're after - a better example from the same author would be Starfarers. Likewise, Rendezvous with Rama may well be good, but is nothing like what you're after - but sticking with the same author, The Songs of Distant Earth by Clarke is much nearer, (though still not really right). Michael Moorcock's The Black Corridor perhaps hits the mark, though it's rather dark and a books about madness as much as anything else. I'll have a think and see if I can come up with anything else that fits.
many of which are not really what you're looking for, in my opinion

I had kind of the same opinion but it took awhile for the memory banks to make any connections and disgorge anything. ;) Of your three, I've only read the Clarke and it seems like a reasonable fit, IIRC. I do think Tau Zero would probably work, too, though.

OP hasn't been around for over a week but, just in case... it's been a zillion years since I've read them but Ben Bova's Exiles Trilogy and Norman Spinrad's The Void Captain's Tale might fit in ways. (Two peas in a pod, there.) And, while I've read it more recently, it's still been a long time and I don't know if it's quite right, but I can't resist suggesting Charles Sheffield's Between the Strokes of Night. Lastly, it's not an SF novel about space but actually a fantasy short story about time (and published in what's usually basically a slipstream venue) but Samantha Mills' "Strange Waters" is a great recent story by a new author that might work.

Hm, maybe Greg Bear's Eon, too. Can't really remember much of that beyond the basic concept. Kinda frustrating - I feel like I know what the OP wants and feel I've read stuff that fits but I'm just not sure if the titles that are occurring are the right ones.
Hm, maybe Greg Bear's Eon, too. Can't really remember much of that beyond the basic concept.
Yeah, I'm not sure either - given the action all takes place on the thing near earth, its not a great fit for me. I've not read your other suggestions J-Sun. van Vogt's Voyage of the Space Beagle fits though perhaps?
Yeah, I'm not sure either - given the action all takes place on the thing near earth, its not a great fit for me. I've not read your other suggestions J-Sun. van Vogt's Voyage of the Space Beagle fits though perhaps?

Maybe so. The BDO is bigger on the inside than out, though and, if you look at it as a sort of gate, you still go way away from earth. But maybe I'm remembering it wrong in terms of how it actually feels. Space Beagle seems like it's missing a little something (maybe a sort of sense of continuing outward thrust or general "lostness" though it certainly is wide open) but, basically, yeah, I think that'd work for the OP.
Olaf Stapledons Star Maker has been getting a few mentions on the boards here recently.

I would suggest this as a perfect fit for the OP's request.

Exploratory for the sake of exploration, a wonderful tale of discovery and expansion of understanding. Great classic.
