A Star Trek Film By Quentin Tarantino


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
What do you think he could bring to the Star Trek franchise?

Ferengi Bank Robbers who run into Vampires in a girly bar, Vulcan Death Grips that cause real exploding hearts, and also they pick up refugees but can't tell if they are convicts, bounty hunters or just innocent refugees.

More seriously, Tarantino films are all about anti-heroes. Star Trek is not. He'd be better to direct Star Wars.
Hey ! I kinda like bounty hunters. Most of them are funny to watch in movies.;)

Nope. Tarantino shoud stay away from both Star Trek AND Star Wars. Maybe stay away any any movies and do something else with his life. :p
Thing is take a look at the films he makes and the cinematography he uses. He has a far more classical eye toward the "golden era" film makers than many modern film producers (who seem to be far more into heavy colour casts, clean visuals and CGI).

You can clearly see that many of his films draw inspiration from not just the story but the style of presentation in, say, a spaghetti western.

Yes he's famous for bloody scenes, but equally he has quite a number of slow conversation scenes that really show he "gets" the characters and film he's making. I think if he does a Star Trek he's one of the few that will go back to hopefully emulate what made Original Motion Picture a great film.

It's a risk, he is very quirky and could go off at a huge tangent, but at the same time I think he could do wonders.

Ps if they ever did a Klingon film he'd be epic for it - granted it would be a very bloody chapter in their history.
PPS one further thought. Tarantino is in a niche himself, if he were looking to try and break out and add to that list then a Startrek film could well be the kind that, done right, lets him be known for more than just bloodspray and splatter
Tarantino is too annoying for me to watch, not least beause he is so talented and still make absolute drivel.
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Dask - several of Tarantino's films have some very very good conversation/discussion/talking scenes. End of Kill Bill before the final battle there's one such long talk and its far superior to the tiny final bit of action that follows it and ends the film.
Thing is take a look at the films he makes and the cinematography he uses. He has a far more classical eye toward the "golden era" film makers than many modern film producers (who seem to be far more into heavy colour casts, clean visuals and CGI).

You can clearly see that many of his films draw inspiration from not just the story but the style of presentation in, say, a spaghetti western.

Yes he's famous for bloody scenes, but equally he has quite a number of slow conversation scenes that really show he "gets" the characters and film he's making. I think if he does a Star Trek he's one of the few that will go back to hopefully emulate what made Original Motion Picture a great film.

It's a risk, he is very quirky and could go off at a huge tangent, but at the same time I think he could do wonders.

Ps if they ever did a Klingon film he'd be epic for it - granted it would be a very bloody chapter in their history.
Well observed. I'd be 100% confident in Tarantino skills. The 60's and 70's inform everything he does. His sensibility to that epoch and the epoch of the original Star Trek, to 'explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before'. Star Trek was a child of 60's new thinking, of hope, and the dawn of a new understanding. I'm sure Tarantino sees that. And I hope Patrick Stewart isn't any where near it.
The would be Reservoir Treks. Each Captain takes a color. Sisko would have to be Captain Blonde because he's the only one I could see cutting someones ear off.
Trekkie Brown
True Romulans

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