SEPTEMBER 2017 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge -- VICTORY TO URSA MAJOR!

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Ring a Ring O’ Sacrifice

Gowns tinged rose-red by the dying sun, the seven maidens circled the sacrificial pool, as maidens had done for a hundred years, waiting for death.

The Hydra’s heads snaked through the water. Trembling, Artemisia crushed the glass vial she held.

The Hydra reared up; monstrous jaws lunged for their prey. Artemisia threw the vial; her sisters followed. Clouds of poison choked the air.

Artemisia fell. They all fell. But the Hydra fell with them.
Ripped from Home

“Can we keep it?”

“Kids, where did you get that?”

“We caught it at the last stop. It was sleeping.”

“What would you feed it? Take it to school tomorrow, then we must bring it back. And that will be years later, on its planet. Its whole family may be gone.”


“Ok, kids, let it out!”

“Yay! It was so boring. And the slorts we fed it made those ugly whiskers grow. Goodbye, vanwinkle thing.”
The Last Fairy in England

Mustn't make a sound. My legs ache, but I watch without moving. The fairy flits from tree to tree, then drifts to perch on the rim of the ancient well. Shards of sunlight bounce off opalescent wings.

Mrs Stout's cat bursts from cover, his collar-bells tinkling an odd, apt melody as he pounces. I grab him, freeing her, hurling him into the well.

I kneel beside her. Dulled wings melt beneath my tears.
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Sleep Surrender

The rules of the game were few. Another ship. Another bunch of cryo sleepers to pull out of their transmission's biofield. One less group of murderous holo soldiers back on Earth.
And look for the Queen, the true enemy that held this virtual war together. The nexus for the sleep soldiers.

"Captain! We found her!"
"The Queen?"
"Better. The Princess to replace her."
Looking at that sleeping beauty, he could just kiss her.
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