Oathbringer, Stormlight Archives book 3

Galactic Bus Driver

Unrepentant Book Junkie
Jun 25, 2017
Rocky Mountain High
If your local library uses Overdrive for ebooks, "Oathbringer" may be available to place on hold. November seems a long time off, but it'll be even longer if you don't get on the hold list soon. :)
Good tip. Although I don't use libraries, it's also handy to have a reminder about this. Soon the challenge will come: will I be able to remember who all the characters are? :p
I agree... I'll probably buy it, though. These are books that, like with Robert Jordan's novels, I want to be able to go back and read the series several times due to the complexity and enthralling depth with which they're written.
Oh, I will certainly buy it, both audio and ebook. Sanderson is one of the few that I know I can buy sight unseen.

But, will I have funds available on release day? So, I place the holds at the libraries. :)
If your local library uses Overdrive for ebooks, "Oathbringer" may be available to place on hold.

Good tip! With the first two, I bought the ebook, and then the paperback when it came out...

Soon the challenge will come: will I be able to remember who all the characters are? :p

In cases like this, I often look up the plot for the past books in the series on the internet. The first two Stormlights have wikipedia entries. ;)
A few months after finishing Bane of Souls (which took me the longest to write of anything, simply because I took my time) I forgot the name of the second most important character. Names aren't my strong point...
Huh. They're releasing quite a bit of the book for free. Why is that?

Its the endings that count for a Sanderson novel! He always seems to share a lot of previews or sample chapters. He wrote and posted Warbreaker on his website. And that was the complete novel!

I started reading Oathbringer last night. If anyone needs a refresher on book 1 and 2, TOR also has a recap that covers all the major points:
Before Oathbringer, Refresh Your Memory on the Stormlight Archive Thus Far
I got a coupon for a book for my birthday a couple of months ago, and I've been saving it specifically to buy this book. I'll probably go get it this weekend. Psyched!
Great book so far. I love Sandersons writing style and characters. Its been a while since a read a book this thick, but the higher word count works for a book with multiple POVs I guess.
Real book or e-book?
Real book, went for a wander round Waterstones, no intentions of buying, then this little voice pipes up .... Oh look there is an Esslemont novel you haven't read and the latest Stormlight book. You know you want them....

Didn't even think, gets on bus hang on , your up to date with Stormlight the next one is not due to 2019... Oh and I think you have read Blood and Bones as well:oops:
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