The Worst Animated Tv Series and Characters of All Time

My brother LOVED Ren & Stimpy, but it was just so repetitive and ugly! I just can't stand to watch it anymore!

It was artistically grotesque. Even the episodes I liked made me feel sort of soiled and unsettled by the end, like gorging on surrealism. I'm not sure I could watch it now.

Two others I'm sure would now make me throw things at the screen, though I loved them at the time, are Lassie's Rescue Rangers and Valley of the Dinosaurs. Anyone remember them?
Horrid Henry was a british kids cartoon that was pretty dire. There was a live action adaptation for some reason.
Horrid Henry was a british kids cartoon that was pretty dire. There was a live action adaptation for some reason.
My kids liked Horrid Henry, but after hearing how the author of the books got stiffed on the tv money I couldn’t watch it.
It was artistically grotesque. Even the episodes I liked made me feel sort of soiled and unsettled by the end, like gorging on surrealism. I'm not sure I could watch it now.

Two others I'm sure would now make me throw things at the screen, though I loved them at the time, are Lassie's Rescue Rangers and Valley of the Dinosaurs. Anyone remember them?

Lassie Rescue Rangers was done by Filmation and Valley of the Dinosaurs Hanna Barbara and both were typical of the kinds crap show they were producing the 1970's . I wish I could have back the time I wasted watching those wretched cartoons.
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OK, I've just watched some of it for the first time in 45 years, and without hesitation I declare this contest closed. Made by children for children, possibly? By monkeys for monkeys? Who can know?

Pretty dire stuff. Have ever seen the animated Emergency Plus 4 series. The Plus 4 which consisted of bench of annoying kids and monkey who assisted the fireman . That was worse.

Then ther was Sealab 2020 which was inna and boring . Its only saving grace was that it was made into the heroically funny Sealab 2021.
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My step kids used to like Horrid Henry too. And it loves up to it's name. Peppa Pig is also awful it's horrendous perpetuation of misanthropic negative gender stereotypes
My step kids used to like Horrid Henry too. And it loves up to it's name. Peppa Pig is also awful it's horrendous perpetuation of misanthropic negative gender stereotypes
Not to mention kids wanting to jump in muddy puddles.
There are more channels , therefore more crappy animated tv shows.
Don't think anybody's mentioned Bat-Mite yet from the 1970s Batman cartoon.

He had cameo in Batman the Animated series

He also showed up in The Brave and the Bold.
Would people playing the voices of small live rodents count as animation? If it does, then Tales of the Riverbank or Hammy Hamster was awful.

Red dwarf mentioned this show. So it was real tv show then.
Does anyone remember the "The Shadoks and the Gibis"

I remember very little about this other than the awful cartoons and that I hated it.
Hey who is speaking ill of Tales of the Riverbank?! That was a great little show and one of the few that was still being shown in black and white when I saw it. It has a quaint charm to it.
