Curt Chiarelli
Yog-Sothothery on the Fly
I like the smoking one...
LE Modesitt wrote a whole series with appalling covers: can't link them, but if you google 'LE Modesitt book covers' and then press the images button on the left, you'll see some real corkers.
Yes, that helmet is brilliantly designed with a convenient pop-off screen for those pensive, nicotine-infused moments before our Man-of-Action rescues The Girl from the clutches of a horde of B.E.M.s or some deranged megalomaniac bent on destroying the Earth . . . .
Let'a face it: the artist was a hack and the guy who hired him cared even less. Which leads me to the next thought . . . .
Am I the only one picking up on a pattern of condescension amongst this endless stream of god-awful artwork? The science fiction, fantasy and horror genres have always been treated like a literary ghetto by the American publishing industry and nowhere is this attitude more apparent than in these shoddy covers. Sure, things improved after Star Wars proved the genre could be a cash cow, but the stigma lingers on like a musty odour.
On the topic of Mr. Modesitt's covers, I see many Darrell K. Sweet illustrations represented. I respectfully disagree with the verdict of some folks on this thread about Mr. Sweet's art. Yes, his characters are a little strange looking, but that is stylistically intentional. I agree that some of his later stuff lacks dramatic tension, but I see this disagreement largely as a mere divergence in taste, nothing more. As we've seen, there are far worse transgressors operating out there in the cold vacuum of the publishing industry.