Need another word for...


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006

Away you go.

Ok, context? I have a character who has a 'dark secret' but 'dark secret' is craptastic. So I've gone for 'chequered past' but don't think it's quite right. Basically, he did something bad a few years ago.
Shady past?

But, if this is Mercer, is he not just a 'man with a secret'?
Hmmm. Does it have to be "[adjective] past" or can you re-write the sentence a little? My first thought for "chequered" was simply "varied" or "diverse", but I'm guessing you want the hint of something bad in there, and "spotted" or "troubled" aren't really fitting the bill.

EDIT: Aber's "shady" reminded me of "shadowed past". Also "dark", "clouded"?
Hmmm. Does it have to be "[adjective] past" or can you re-write the sentence a little? My first thought for "chequered" was simply "varied" or "diverse", but I'm guessing you want the hint of something bad in there, and "spotted" or "troubled" aren't really fitting the bill.

Yep the hint of badness is what I'm after. It can be something past, or something secret or... something.
Can we have the sentence and details of whose POV it's from? No need to tell us who it is, but just if the POV is his or someone else's, and if the latter if that someone knows exactly what he's done. I like SciFrac's suspicious, but that wouldn't work if it's his own POV or the POV knows how bad he's been.
Questionable is nearly there, but you need something a bit cheeky. ( i am cheating, i critted it already :))

I stared at the ceiling for a minute and nothing occurred... Maybe dubious?
The line is: Ambrose Lawson is a cocksure actor with a chequered past.

Oh and it's not in the actual novel, it's for the whole synopsis/query/cover letter of doom.

*clears throat* In other news, I'm prepared to switch allegiance from my vehement hatred the other day to the 'dark' side and think it might work in this situation. Crazy, I know. :rolleyes:
In other news, I'm prepared to switch allegiance from my vehement hatred the other day to the 'dark' side and think it might work in this situation.

Yooooou! *shakes fist*

Ooh, I quite like 'tarnished,' HB! Ta.
Um... "tarnished past" doesn't quite work for those of us using a long "a" for "paaaast". How about "with a guilty secret" except he doesn't feel any guilt, I imagine...

I'm not so keen on cocksure, personally. Conceited and ham come to mind.

I didn't think of you posh folk with your long aaaaaaaaas! :p Bum.

Guilty secret's quite good. Um. Is it too cliché maybe? Am I over thinking it?
Guilty secret's quite good. Um. Is it too cliché maybe? Am I over thinking it?

Yes and yes! Guilty secret is also no-no cos as TJ wisely said he doesn't feel overwhelmed with guilt.

I did like tarnished but yes, when you mix that with my posh As it doesn't work as well.
He feels guiltier towards the end. :( Pah. No tarnished either then.
I've just been on and how about: mar (admittedly 'marred' sounds a bit awkward), sullied, grimy, muddy, murky. ?
Ambrose Lawson is...hiding a ruinous secret?

Ruinous isn't the right word, but as it might easily finish his career, I think it's maybe along the right track. Sorry, my head's not in the right place tonight. Can't think of good words.
