A thought about Game of Thrones on TV

Then there are the guys who try to be righteous, do a pretty good job of it, but when they inevitably mess up, they take it on the chin and do their best to clean up their mess. Ned Stark is a perfect example of what Stannis should have tried to be. It is Stannis' rigidity that will be his downfall.
And Ned doesn't have Stannis's teeth grinding problem....
At least Stannis doesn't lose his head at the first sign of adversity.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."


"all our righteousness acts are as filthy rags..."

Thus the way of the hypocrite (i.e. all of us).

Why is Stannis so bloody righteous, anyway? Well, he had a whoring, spend-the-kingdom lummox of an older brother (who probably beat him up on a regular basis), and a bookend younger brother in Renly, except at the other end of the spectrum. Small wonder that Stannis is a Spartan.

The trouble with the guy who tries to be righteous, and also rams it down others' throats, is that he is, at some point, really going to screw up. The end effect of all of this is that the screw up is made that much bigger by having been preceded by all that holier-than-thou crap. Jimmy Swaggart, anyone?

Then there are the guys who try to be righteous, do a pretty good job of it, but when they inevitably mess up, they take it on the chin and do their best to clean up their mess. Ned Stark is a perfect example of what Stannis should have tried to be. It is Stannis' rigidity that will be his downfall.

I love the comparison to Ned Stark you draw. I grow ever more doubtful that Jon is Ned's *******. The theory that Jon is the son of Ned's sister by ??????? that Tarygon, can't think of his name, seems more and more plausible to me.
Rhaegar, it used to be known. Aerys II, it is now known... at least by me.

Clanny, I don't recognize you without the old avatar.

There are many adages regarding the self-righteous. I'd love to count myself out, but I'm in as deep as anyone. Every time I point out the speck in my brothers' eye, I soon realize that I have a beam in my own.
I know the book implies that Stannis slept with Mel. And it isn't that point I'm dissapointed with. It's the fact that Stannis seemed to lust after Mel, when she got her gear off. Stannis was a man who dutifully did what he needed to as a husband in the marriage bed, but it never seemed he enjoyed it. And never in the books do I remember anyone commenting how Stannis would look at Mel with longing, or greed in his eyes. In the show he is passionately kissing her. Nope, that's not Stannis.

Also, deviating away from Stannis. WHERE IS DONAL NOYE? :mad: *Grumble Grumble Grumble*
Yeah, it does rather contradict TV Loras's assertion that Stannis had the personality of a lobster. Seems he's actually a bit of a tiger!! :D
I dont' know. People with the highest convictions seem to be those that throw them out the window behind closed doors. Catholic school girls anyone? Of course a school girl's convictions arn't the equal of Stanis', but the analogy still stands.

How about those American senators that scream foul the loudest at gay marrage, or infidelity, then are later found trying to buy a male prostitute in an airport bathroom stall, or leave thier wives multiple times for other women?

No one can be cold 100% of the time. Now if Stanis and Mel start groping each other in the small councils I'll cry foul. As it stands, I think that was some of the best smut put on the episode, if not the entire series. Not just as smut, rather as story, written words translated to the big screen.

I have much more complaint with Yara? (can never remember what Theons sister's name is in the TV show) not promptly shooing Theon's hands away from her parts. The smug look on her face when he is groping her is spot on, but she let it go a bit too far I think.
I dont' know. People with the highest convictions seem to be those that throw them out the window behind closed doors. Catholic school girls anyone? Of course a school girl's convictions arn't the equal of Stanis', but the analogy still stands.

How about those American senators that scream foul the loudest at gay marrage, or infidelity, then are later found trying to buy a male prostitute in an airport bathroom stall, or leave thier wives multiple times for other women?

No one can be cold 100% of the time. Now if Stanis and Mel start groping each other in the small councils I'll cry foul. As it stands, I think that was some of the best smut put on the episode, if not the entire series. Not just as smut, rather as story, written words translated to the big screen.

I have much more complaint with Yara? (can never remember what Theons sister's name is in the TV show) not promptly shooing Theon's hands away from her parts. The smug look on her face when he is groping her is spot on, but she let it go a bit too far I think.

I agree with your thoughts on "Yara".

I think yesterday's episode was the best one yet. I love the insight we got on Margaery's character.
I agree with your thoughts on "Yara".

I think yesterday's episode was the best one yet. I love the insight we got on Margaery's character.

I agree, loved it! Always knew Margaery was not the sweet innocent! "Shall I get my brother in here to get you started?" Loved it!!
I agree, loved it! Always knew Margaery was not the sweet innocent! "Shall I get my brother in here to get you started?" Loved it!!

Gotta admit, that line cracked me up.

I was also actually impressed by the timeline compression involving the group heading to the wall and being captured. A significant chunk of time in the book boiled down to 5 minutes tops and nicely done.
Gotta admit, that line cracked me up.

I was also actually impressed by the timeline compression involving the group heading to the wall and being captured. A significant chunk of time in the book boiled down to 5 minutes tops and nicely done.

Yea, I liked the compression too. Told my viewing group (they have not read the book) they just skipped over half the book on this part and really lost nothing. My only problem with it was that no one else joined the fight till after Yoren was killed. My hubby was like "What? These punks are all just gonna stand there while they kill him?"

All in all though, I think it was a great episode! Looking forward to more of Dany next week also!
I agree, loved it! Always knew Margaery was not the sweet innocent! "Shall I get my brother in here to get you started?" Loved it!!

LOL, yeah, and she was up for a threesome too! Lucky girl. Oops, did I just say that!! :p

She's a schemer and seems far more manipulative than book Margaery, even though we've only seen her for about five minutes.
LOL, yeah, and she was up for a threesome too! Lucky girl. Oops, did I just say that!! :p

She's a schemer and seems far more manipulative than book Margaery, even though we've only seen her for about five minutes.

Yes, you said that out loud! ;)
I was very happy with the intro of brienne. Even with the picture preview to actiually see her next to others and in action was great. She was played so well. The absolute devotion she already shows for renly was great shown.

I also love the twist and insite we get of margaery vs the book version of her. From wat we have seen so far i can only imagine the future episodes with her and cercie. Sweet glory will those be fun and scandalous to watch!
Yeah, I can't wait to see how Margaery develops. Though I'm already wondering if we'll have a Queen of Thorns in Season Three. If Margaery is set up to be such a schemer, maybe they'll decide they don't need Grandma. Hell, if they can cut out the whole of Riverrun, what's one old lady?
