3.13 The Coming of Arthur Pt 2

Perpetual Man

Tim James
Jun 13, 2006
Queen Morgana begins a reign of terrible evil over the innocent citizens of Camelot. With Morgause's immortal army at her command, it seems there is no hope for Uther, who must watch his Kingdom crumble under the unimaginable cruelty of his own daughter.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Camelot, Arthur regains his strength and, with Gwaine, Lancelot, Elyan and Percival at his side, plans a brave counter-attack. But Merlin knows that even Arthur cannot vanquish an immortal foe. Can he recover the great sword Excalibur from the Lake of Avalon in time to save Arthur from certain doom?

So this is it, the finale of the third season, Can it continue the superb story tarted last week, or is it going to fumble and drop the ball? Is it as game changing as has been promised, or is the status quo going to be resumed after the conclusion, the reset button pressed once again?
As far as things went I really enjoyed this episode, an excellent end of season, feel good story that left me smiling. There were so many elements of Arthurian legend thrown in that it seemed that we were tripping over them.

As is often the case I don't think it quite lived up to the promise of part 1, but it was still a great send off for the show (until next year)

Yes I did have a few niggles, but to be honest I can't really see how a forty five minute show can do everything I would like to see it do.

Perhaps this should have been a three parter.

As always I loved the Merlin/Arthur dynamic, the quick pace of the tale added to the thrill, seeing Giaus use his magic was an additional bonus; seeing Margause get some of her just desserts was great, and seeing the sword go into the stone at the end made me smile, albeit wondering how they are going to pull these threads together later, 'cause it's all out of order with the traditional stories now (Makes it more interesting)

I had hoped that Merlin might have tried some magic on the undead army, or that the heroes might have tried something a little more maiming than just cut and parry - what would have happened if they lopped a arm or leg - or even a head off?

Merlin did far to well with the sword, once I could accept, but against trained soldiers again and again - he could have used magic to put them off balance and then jabbed them. And I thought it was a little too easy that all it took was to empty the cup - and the whole army vanished.

It does deem in some ways that the reset button has been pushed with a few exceptions. No-one big died, Arthur still doesn't know that Merlin has magic and Uther is still alive. It's well past time that something changes.

On the other hand I can't see Morgana worming herself back in after this one...

One thought for the shorter season next year - is there something in Giaus starting to use magic more? Could we start to see him relying on it more and more like an addiction?

All in all an excellent conclusion to the season., time for a break now... until the next British fantasy show...
Uther: I'm not dead! I'm getting better! I don't want to go in the cart! I feel fine!
Dave: Oh, do us a favor...
Mortician: I can't.
Dave: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.
Uther: I think I'll go for a walk.
Dave: You're not fooling anyone y'know.

Uther does this loosing his mind business too much, and then he is as right as rain the following week. He does now need to explain to Arthur about the 'daughter' business. Reset button or not, I think that cat is out of the bag now. The commoners made knights cannot be reset either. I also don't think Morgana can possibly say that she was just 'enchanted'.

I actually thought it was the best episode yet.
Fantastic, you'll hear no complaints from me.
Well you know me by now, I still have a few nitpicks:

My point last week about Gaius hiding in the larder - if he can do 'that' why if he need to hide?

If Merlin really wanted to put the sword beyond use, putting in magically in the stone, where every Tom, Dick and Harry are going to have a go at taking it out (some of them with magic rings like Gilli), was a very bad idea.
Uther: I'm not dead! I'm getting better! I don't want to go in the cart! I feel fine!
Dave: Oh, do us a favor...
Mortician: I can't.
Dave: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.
Uther: I think I'll go for a walk.
Dave: You're not fooling anyone y'know.

Now that made me laugh....
My point last week about Gaius hiding in the larder - if he can do 'that' why if he need to hide?

If Merlin really wanted to put the sword beyond use, putting in magically in the stone, where every Tom, Dick and Harry are going to have a go at taking it out (some of them with magic rings like Gilli), was a very bad idea.

Gaius knocked morgose across the room and she hit her head.... thats not going to save your life against an immortal army, where as hiding will :rolleyes:

The sword in the stone? wasn't it you moaning there wasn't enough elements of 'Aurthrian' legend in the show? :p
Am I imagining it, or is there a Merlin Christmas special this year? Hmmm....

I shall answer my own question, there is a lot of speculation but nothing in stone (apart from a sword), there is a possibility of a special sometime, perhaps next year
Eeek I'm just reporting on what I read.

The feeling is that as the producers of Merlin have been so accommodating to the Beeb when it comes to budget cuts, that the might BBC might reward them with a special.

Apparently the Merlin lot were asked to cut their budget per episode. They said no, that it would mean a drop in quality, but they would instead cut the number of episodes to 10, so each episode gets the same budget but there are less of them.

The beeb are apparently so happy with this deal that they are well into discussions for a fifth season and possibly a special.
Just seen it. Loved it! I was starting to think that there was going to be a 'Morgana's just enchanted' moment, but luckily there wasn't. Also thought maybe Lancelot would stab her. (Yay for Lancelot coming back!)

Someone remind me how Lancelot knew Merlin had magic?

Loved seeing the table. Loved the Arthur/Merlin stuff.
As far as i remember Arthur was getting his butt kicked and, as usual, was lieing unconsious. Merlin enchanted lancelots lance so he could kill the big bad. Merlin thought he had got away with it but Lancelot picked up on it but swore not to tell on the grounds Merlin was on the side of good.

(my memory is a litlle hazy with all my meds so i could be wrong)

My computer is being slow, but i think this will give you the answer :D
I remember the scene, but don't remember him and Merlin talking about magic. Gives me an excuse to crack out the DVDs!
I had the lot (and all the new Doctor who's) stored on my old freeview box but the bl**dy thing packed up around easter. I riped the hard drive out of it, but not yet pluged it in to the computer to see if i can rescue them :(

Feel abit daft asking for them for christmas as i'm 33 :p
I enjoyed the episode very much indeed.

I wonder whether Uther has lost his marbles completely this time and Arthur will have to take over as king/regent next season? That would be quite interesting I think.

Even though Merlin's magic wasn't revealed there was a lot of progress elsewhere in the story which I felt made up for that and I very much enjoyed the appearance of the round table.

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