3.12 The Coming of Arthur Part 1

Perpetual Man

Tim James
Jun 13, 2006
Merlin and Arthur are sent on a dangerous mission to capture the Cup of Life, a powerful magical artifact that carries the gift of immortality. Before they can retrieve the Cup, they are captured by the unscrupulous slave trader, Jarl.

Gwaine comes to the rescue and they escape, but with Jarl's help the cup falls into Morgause's hands. With an immortal army at their disposal, will Morgause and Morgana topple Uther once and for all?

So we reach the end of the season, or the first part of the finale. Is this going to be an excellent payoff, the long awaited series changer, or is it going to be an epic filler? Have to admit the title sounds interesting.
Well... what can be said, we've been wondering all through the season when something game-changing was going to happen, or even if, and then with the producers promising there would be, we reach the beginning of the end of the current run.

It seems that they might have actually been prepared to back their words up this year - Spoilers coming up for those of you who have not seen the episode yet:

Morgause has killed Cendred.
Camelot has fallen.
Uther has been deposed.
Morgana is revealed, and has taken the crown.
Morgause's army has the Merlin equivalent of the Holy Grail, her army is unkillable.
Arthur, Merlin & Gwaine and Ellion (Gwen's brother) are isolated and alone.

Not bad for a show that has been accused (rightly) of treading water. It's taken a while to get here but the last few episodes were good, this is excellent - and who could not but feel a shiver run up one's spine in the trailer for the conclusion next week, when a satamite clad hand rises from beneath still waters brandishing a sword!
and who could not but feel a shiver run up one's spine in the trailer for the conclusion next week, when a satamite clad hand rises from beneath still waters brandishing a sword!

For me it was seeing the round table!! :D Can't wait til next week's one.

I also really enjoyed this ep. Can't think of anything to say about it at the mo, cos my brain's gone to sleep.

Thoroughly enjoyed this episode, it showcased everything that is great about the program. I was actually quite surprised to see Morgause killing Cenred but it was definitely necessary to illustrate how evil she really is, up until that point she came across as someone who wanted others to do her dirty work so it is good to see she has some backbone. The immortal army advancing on Camelot was very impressive too.

Next week's looks even better, I was exceptionally pleased to see the arrival of the round table!

What do you think this means for Uther?
What do you think this means for Uther?
That if he survives (which he will, if only to spite Dave ;)), he'll be even more anti-magic than before.

(And I can well see a scenario where Morgana is deemed to have been enchanted, getting us back to where we began the series, give or take a few deaths amongst the minor characters.)

As for the episode, I enjoyed it. Yes, it was stupid of Uther to send his son on an errand to place where a whole patrol (save for one person) had been slaughtered, but Arthur has been off on a solo adventure before - The Fisher King episode - and survived. (The bit that really rang untrue was Merlin shouting "Gaius" and Gaius shouting "Merlin" in a castle held by the enemy. It isn't as if Gaius was hidden deep below the castle in a dungeon; his quarters are right beneath the battlements**.) Even so, all-in-all there were some good scenes: the march by torchlight was reasonably impressive and there was a distinct lack of anything even resembling a monster of the week.

And as others have said, the second part looks as if it could be good, with some legendary features - Excalibur and the Round Table; - ready to make their appearance.

** - Okay, one could argue that with an immortal army at your bidding, one doesn't need to keep watch, but then why all the random patrols inside?
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That if he survives (which he will, if only to spite Dave ;)), he'll be even more anti-magic than before.
I've not seen this yet. I'm at an airport waiting for a plane delayed by the weather. But, are you very sure this episode isn't just a dream that Merlin has been having while in the bathing tub?
I've not seen this yet. I'm at an airport waiting for a plane delayed by the weather. But, are you very sure this episode isn't just a dream that Merlin has been having while in the bathing tub?

Damn! You figured it out:eek:
I have to agree this episode and the last few just before it, have really started to pull us out of the doldrums that were the early and mid points of this series. It's great to see things finally making a step forward and some big shifts in the character positions.

However I do think that early on (in the series) they should have made a big thing about there being secret passages in Camelot - it would at least explain how you manage to get so far into a castle held by a massive immortal army.
Otherwise a fairly strong story all around - even the handing over of the cup was well handled after what appeared outwardly to be some really weak negotiations (infact I half expected Arthur to pause and ask "That went too easily - how do we know this is the real cup of life?" part.

The only other part that niggled was the slaves - I was getting a bit of deja vu with that pit fight part of the story.
In the shots of the immortal army on the march - did they have any seige equipment or was it just a bunch of guys with torches? Camelot always seems a bit of a push-over when it comes to assaults, and even if you can't 'kill' the attackers your blades can definately penetrate their bodies, and thus sever limbs. Or you could dump the proverbial boiling oil on them, plus match...

And Uther - he's facing the most serious threat ever but when captured is still in the same robes. No change into full armour? No slugging it out in the front line as he's been wont to do previously? For shame!
I've seen this now and I guess I can't complain that they aren't giving me what I asked for any more.
...the handing over of the cup was well handled after what appeared outwardly to be some really weak negotiations (infact I half expected Arthur to pause and ask "That went too easily - how do we know this is the real cup of life?" part.
The only problem with that was when one of the Druids told Merlin the Cup was now in his care, at which point he immediately lost it. It doesn't say much for their powers of precognition.

And how many times can Morgause say "Sister"?

And had Gaius hid in that larder for the whole day?

Sorry, I'm not meant to say bad things! ;)
I was actually quite surprised to see Morgause killing Cenred but it was definitely necessary to illustrate how evil she really is, up until that point she came across as someone who wanted others to do her dirty work so it is good to see she has some backbone.

Gutted that Cenred was killed. I hope they bring Lancelot back to make up for it!

(And I can well see a scenario where Morgana is deemed to have been enchanted, getting us back to where we began the series, give or take a few deaths amongst the minor characters.)

I hope not!

And how many times can Morgause say "Sister"?

That's so we don't forget. Same as Morgana's constant evil looks. It's so we don't forget she's evil. ;)
The only problem with that was when one of the Druids told Merlin the Cup was now in his care, at which point he immediately lost it. It doesn't say much for their powers of precognition.

And had Gaius hid in that larder for the whole day?

Maybe these are the things that need to happen to bring the round table together and forge the new face of Camalot, if thr druids know this that will be why they gave up the cup so freely.

And if an immortal army was comming to my town and i was an old man... hell yes, i'd hide aswell.
Maybe these are the things that need to happen to bring the round table together and forge the new face of Camalot, if thr druids know this that will be why they gave up the cup so freely.

And if an immortal army was comming to my town and i was an old man... hell yes, i'd hide aswell.

I'd hide if I was a young man :rolleyes:

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