The Greatest Jedi of All

Darth Kal-El

New Member
Apr 4, 2005

Today is my first day here and I was thinking about it. I am very excited about Revenge of the Sith coming to the silver screen but I thought of this earlier this week. Who is the greatest jedi of all time. When you think about it, it comes down to Yoda,Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin SKywalker( Darth Vader), and Luke Skywalker. Though Yoda is head of the jedi council he isnt the strongest to ever live. Obi-Wan,the instructor of Anakin, is powerful but in Episode 4 loses his life to his student(Darth Vader). Luke then come to know of his father and was trained by Yoda and the ghost of Obi-Wan. Luke defeated Vader, Vader destroyed the Emperor. But when you look at the battle of the strongest jedi to live the gold has to go to Luke Skywalker.
According to the 2001 UK Census, I am a Jedi (under religion), therefore I am the Greatest Jedi... Oh, and welcome to the board!!! :D
But this is beside the point;)

What makes you think you're better than Sammy J, Master?
probably darth vader, he killed darth sideous who was a rival to the powers of Darth Revan, Darth Bane and even Exar Kun. besides luke was getting his but kicked until vader intevined and in doing so proved he was the chosen one (bring balance to the force by getting rid of evil etc etc)
Are you suggesting Jedi's can't be gay?

The whole Padawan thing is mighty suspicious, if you ask me...
Old men and young boys??? Nah, the old men are SOOOO spiritual and boring - look at the Jedi Council... Bunch of boring old fuddy-duddys... Just like Brighton!!! ;)

I still say I'm better than ANY other Jedi - except maybe Darth Maul and the twin headed lightsaber!!! DUDE, THAT ROCKED!!!
ok, what the heck is brighton? and it is a contest between darth revan and darth vader. even though i love yoda... anakin i believe had more midi-chlorians than yoda (may the jedi council strike me down if i mispelled that), and darth revan saved the jedi and helped to extinguish the main sith 4,000 years ago in the prime of the sith.
i would say darth vader or count dooku. both are sith lords, cabable of killing anyone....mabey some from the jedi council (yoda, mace windu..)
No, i give it to the emperor, he had to decive the jedi council for like 20 years and you say mace was the greatest, yoda nor mace could see through him until it was too late, then he proceded to annialate the jedi. Palppatine was the best until he got old and decreped.
Thats the point of the Dark Side. you cant see through it

Vader only killed palpatine cause the emporer was caught off gaurd
while trying to kill Luke

Mace Windu is awesome, prolly top 3 greatest

Obi-wan basically asked to get killed.

Kit fisto- could woop them all cause hes my favorite and he can woop ass, and since he never has to close his eyes he wont be caught off guard

Plo Koon- was cool, but wouldnt be able to stand up against Vader and count

Ki-Adi-Mundi- is awesome too the same thing about Plo Koon is true about him

I still think Luke is a pansy
and Darth Maul

Leia can woop ass

Yoda is by far the greatest oldest and wisest jedi he could woop anyones ass
yoda is crap, there are loads morer powerfull then him

Master Vodo-Siosk Baas- the jedi master who instructed Exar Kun

marka ragnos-Ruled approximately 5,200 years before Darth Vader. Ragnos was a hafl-breed Sith, a warlord of tremendous physical power and frightening grasp of the Dark Side of the Force

Exar Kun- the man who was killed on yavin 4 over 4,000 years before new hope. it took the whole republic and Jedi order to bring him down. and even then it another 4000 years for his spirit to finally be killed by luke and his jedi apprentaces on yavin 4.

Darth Eradius- the greatest sith who ever lived,with his trusted blade master apprentace darth Evenus (basiclly me and my mate)

Darth Vader- the only sith to succesfully annihalate the whole jedi order.

Ajunta pall- one of the first ever sith lords

Tulak hord-Perhaps the greatest Sith swordmaster ever.
Eradius Lore said:
Darth Eradius- the greatest sith who ever lived,with his trusted blade master apprentace darth Evenus (basiclly me and my mate)

Anyone got any links for the stuff about historic sith? I havent heard of some of them mentioned in this post.
