Kevin Anderson's Seven Suns Saga - New cover art. GRRRR


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2006
Even before Anderson's series is completed, they now have new cover art. I don't really mind the look of them, but it just doesn't jive with the existing ones. So, books 1-5 all maintain certain design, but then the last 2 books are going to look like they don't belong when their stacked with the first five books. Stuff like that really irritate me.
Try his own site:

I don't like them much, they're very simple and doesn't add anything to the series. The ones on the right are the UK covers. Much better than the new US on the left.

I can't find an edition for volume 5 with the old covers unless I get the hardcover.

Is this guys books any good? Is he space opera or hard sci-fi? Lots of action or not so much?

I've enjoyed reading them so far but I don't know if I'd describe them as 'good'. They're kind of cheesy - good fun but definitely not going to win any awards for originality. Its full-on space opera but reads like epic fantasy.
I read the first one, and was not impressed. It's marginally better than KJA's continuations of Frank Herbert's Dune books, but that's not saying much.
I’ve only read the first one so far, but I have the next 2 in my TBR pile. I agree with Ragnar’s assessment. I’ll read them when I’m looking for light, escapist read. They fall in the same niche as Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vor series for me, but at this point I would say that Bujold is a lot better.


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