Which actor to play Druss?

How about Brian Blessed as Druss - He certainly has the build, the age on his side and can certainly do the accent?
I have to agree with the people who have said James Cosmo - he is also my first choice of actor for Thorin Oakenshield in the upcoming The Hobbit
James Cosmo would be perfect for Old Druss - he Brendan Gleeson's Dad in Braveheart and one the McLeod Clansmenin Highlander wasn't he?
Yup Narkalui that's the oak. Big but not overly tall as Druss was not a gaint as such. Klay was given 6.5 or 7 ft and he looked down at Druss.
I'll probably get killed for suggesting this....Arnold Shwarzenegger.

Here me out now...I was watching a rerun of The Running Man the other day and Arnie has a beard in the early part of the movie. Dye his hair black or grey/black and he could be a very decent Druss....the accent might be a giveaway (maybe we could get him a vocal coach...he is an actor (apparently) after all!).
Brian Blessed!! lol - he is cool....I think Gerrard Butler would be awesome, and it's uncanny what they can do with SFX now if they started with Legend.
I agree with Schwarzenneger. When I read about Druss's early adventures I picture Arnie in Conan. The only trouble would be with his dodgy accent. If not him, bring back the ghost of Ollie!
Ollie would have been a good choice as old Druss, but perhaps a little on the short side, but like a said before: stand him on a box...

Schwarzenegger would be awful. Sorry but I heartily disagree...

I always imagined Druss looking like Rock from the old Playstation game Soul Blade.
danny de smegging vito???? wtf???

one of my all time fave SF books, and one almost impossible to answer question here...

Brian Blessed has a lot of the characteristics, but come on, you're watching him defend the ramparts of Dros Delnoch and you'd just be waiting to hear 'HAWKMEN, DIVE!'... least i would anyway....

If they made a film of legend first then yeah bang to rights, Oliver Reed would've been perfect.
if they go with the chronicles or legend of deathwalker then i really can't picture anyone that would fit the role, both physically and mentally...
My own idea for Druss would be Sebastien Chabal, the french rugby player. To me he is, what i imagine Druss to look like.
yep james cosmo

why well he was born in 1948

guess that makes him 60 this year

height 6 foot 2 (same as druss)

and can you imagine saying "aye, laddie"

or "one last time soul brother, untill the sun sets"
to be honest, i dont think any actor could ever bring Druss's charisma and character to the big screen, i cannot think of any one suitable.

also, i think when a film is based on a book it never ever comes close, with one exception of lord of the rings??

i think it will be an insult to gemmells memory, no director could ever find an actor good enough for the role of druss.
I have hjust watched the 2005 movie Beowulf and Grendel which starred Gerard Butler, of "300" fame. He would be a good choice for Druss, but in my opinion better suited to the Wayander or Skilgannon characters, because he is tall, slim but well built and has already starred in at least 2 movies where swordplay is a factor. For Druss, you need somebody who is about 6ft tall, very well built, and he also has to age from the 17 year old wood cutter who married Rowena to the 60 something year old campaigner who held the battlements of Dros Delnoch against the invading Nadir hoards.

What about Hugh Jackman - he has proven that he can do the action guy thing, geez, what can't he do...,certainly accents. Wolverine, Van Helsling, and he is built...he could do young Druss to old Druss, no problem... God, can you pick the Aussie Gemmell fan?
I am surprised that no one has mentioned Ray Winstone. He has amazing screen presence and would add gravitas to the role.
I picture the actor to be around the size of Brock Lesnar... same sort of physical attributes and abilities. Obviously not a good choice for actor though.
i've not read the book (i read one or two other gemmell books that refer to him though), but i've seen a few pictures and know the gist of the character, and the guy that jumps to my mind is mickey rourke. he was excellent in 'sin city' in a similar role.
brendan gleeson He's big... but not too big, he's round but not too round and he's aged but not too aged... and whats more HES SCOTTISH! Also he can play pissed off!
