November Bookclub Nominations.

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Scrofulous Fig-Merchant
Oct 3, 2003
It can be fantasy or realism as long as it's not realism.

Magic realism is okay too I guess.

Speaking of which I nominate The Master and Margarita unless it's already been done.

The Deed of Paksenarrion, by Elizabeth Moon. Originally a trilogy but now sold as a single item.
Ooh I'm excited this is getting up and running again! I'll go look through the archives and see what's already been done, and see if I can think of something..
I'm going to nominate Hades' Daughter, book one in the Troy Game series by Sara Douglass.
How do we go about choosing the book from all these nominations or am I missing something?
Happy you're excited about this jenna but not having been here long, like jackokent I need to know how to go about choosing. Is there a list of nominees?
I think everyone will make suggestions and then there'll be a new thread with a poll and you can vote for what you like. That's my understanding anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong!
That's how it worked before.

If there is a book you would particularly like to discuss you nominate it. Then whoever is running the Book Club (Polymorphikos seems to have volunteered) creates a poll, and everyone who wants to votes, until some predetermined deadline.

If, however, there is going to be a November Book Club, and people are going to have time to get the book and read it, he's going to have to return very soon and set up that poll. (In other words, if you have a book to nominate, now would be the time.)
Well, I don't know if it's going ahead or not, since it's November tomorrow!
If I may make a suggestion: It seems unlikely that the November selection will be both picked and read in time to comment on it in November (especially with the holiday season coming up), so why not make it either the December or January pick and, in the meantime, make suggestions enough to pick twelve books (or even six) for next year? This would give people enough advance notice to have a better chance at actually reading the book rather than having to rush through or skim it if they wanted to participate... and that way there'd be a better discussion for that month.

Also, I suggest that whoever heads the club be someone who can commit to it, if you want it to succeed; and that would mean a fair amount of time spent in this, as it will entail collating all the selections, putting together a poll for voting on them, etc., as well as keeping up with when the next batch of titles needs to be chosen.
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Thanks, jenna. While I've seldom time to get involved in such, I have enjoyed the few times I've been able to partake of them; and for those interested, why not give it the best chance. Also, it may give more people a chance to get involved (possibly), and the broader the base....
Well, if we need to nominate books for Dec (November seems to have crept up on us) I have a list of books that sound interesting:

Replay by Ken Grimwood
Soldier of Sidon by Gene Wolf
Armageddon's Children by Terry Brooks
The Long Run by Daniel Keys Moran
I'd like to do this. I'm almost finished my current book and I have nothing lined up to start. I'd like to read something different, and I've not read much fantasy for some time. My wife is in a book club and I've read a few non-SF books that she brought home such as 'The Kite Runner'. Just be sure to choose something that is currently in print and popular enough to be stocked by the major chains.
I'd check with dwndrgn, as this has always been her turf as moderator, I hear. And while I hate to throw a wet blanket, I seriously doubt it will be enough time, with the holiday rush coming up. This time of year, it tends to get pretty scrunched, and getting something like this rolling at this point is more likely to get it off to a bad start. Better to use this time for planning and organizing, I think, if it's to keep going. The book clubs I've been a part of that succeeded took a fair amount of that; those that didn't do that usually sputtered out pretty quickly.
I agree that it's better to organise it really well. And if we had a list of books in advance it would be easier for people to find them in time. So I think we take J.D's advice and nominate a whole lot of books, and then make a list out of that for the coming months.
Here's the deal people, our lovely Book Club was sadly disbanded a few months back due to disinterest. However it looks as if we have some interest moving around here. November, unfortunately is upon us so we'll put that off for now. J.D.'s suggestion of nominating six months in advance is actually a pretty good idea. How about we do three though so that as we learn of new books we can add them in to the next set. So, we currently have seven nominations, I'll add one to make an even eight and I'll post up a poll. The top three nominations after two weeks of voting will be our January, February and March selections respectively.

Thus we are experimenting for January. Go see the poll.

Please do not nominate or vote if you aren't interested in joining in on the discussion.
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