A little hypothesising

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Random Guy
Jul 29, 2003
What character type do you think might lead the cast of Atlantis?

I've heard that it isn't going to be a military-based show (that's a relief!), but what kind of scientist will we wind up with? Opinions please

I think a female lead is what we are going to get. Dr, whoever who will be in Lost City parts 1 and 2. I think she will be the leader of the Atlantis team when the show hits.
beckman your spoiler is incorrect

Beckmen if you have bothered to read to read atlantis articles you will know that

Atlantis takes place in the future long after sg-1's actions read these spoilers at www.gateworld.net
Re: beckman your spoiler is incorrect

Originally posted by thor4713
Beckmen if you have bothered to read to read atlantis articles you will know that

Atlantis takes place in the future long after sg-1's actions read these spoilers at www.gateworld.net
Hey Thor, quit being nasty. And by the by, Beckmen is quite right. Are you sure you aren't getting Atlantis mixed up with Infinity?

Do you really think that we are going to have a female lead? I sincerely doubt it for this type of show. I have read the casting rumours, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we are more likely to get someone who is already fairly established as the main character - in the same way as we all knew RDA before he signed on to SG1.

What would be preferable for me would be a genuine ensemble, without a big name at the middle of it all.

Although... Peter Weller hasn't been too busy since Odyssey 5 got the chop. He'd be excellent!
Yeah, Peter Weller would be cool but isn't he getting REALLY old?
Yeah, but something that really bugs me about SF tv shows in general is that the actors are always impossibly young and cute. I like a little splash of realism in my tv watching sometimes, and like to think that older people can still be valuable assets in SF tales ;)

Peter Weller isn't really that old, I don't think. Born in '47 according to imdb, so only 3 years older than RDA. Could you imagine the two of them onscreen together? Now THAT would be a believable adversarial relationship!
Originally posted by Tabitha
I like a little splash of realism in my tv watching sometimes, and like to think that older people can still be valuable assets in SF tales ;)
Look how popular and successful Patrick Stewart was as JLP in ST:TNG etc...
Originally posted by PTeppic
Look how popular and successful Patrick Stewart was as JLP in ST:TNG etc...
Yeah I know, I wasn't saying that there aren't any older faces, but on the whole in SF tv we are seeing pretty young things. I just watched the pilot for "Fearless" in which a very young looking Rachel Leigh Cook is supposed to be a fab FBI agent at the age of 23. Now, maybe it's just me, but that just doesn't seem right.

Actually, I think it probably comes down to looks. You don't have to be young to get parts in these shows, but you certainly have to look young. Blarg.
Blame those magnificent men in their marketing machines...

Finding the target audience is 15-30, and match the cast to it - 20s, eye-candy cast (with politically correct mix of genres and races/species, of course) and overlay your choice of genre...
Something like that. Only one solution to it, though; we have to take charge of science fiction production for ourselves - remember that the best sci-fi has always been written by the fans.

Enough of the plugs for my career..... The 'suits in control' formulaic thing has killed a lot of sci-fi, and the current obsession in the first world with aesthetics is responsible for the rest. IMHO, anyway.

We shall see what Atlantis brings (at least, you guys will - it strikes me that it'll probably not cross the pond easily :()

Originally posted by Rik_the_Riff

We shall see what Atlantis brings (at least, you guys will - it strikes me that it'll probably not cross the pond easily :()

I wouldn't be too despondent, Sky One is pretty good with SG1, I'm sure it would be as keen to pick up an SG1 spin-off as it was to grab Angel (Buffy spin-off). Especially if Atlantis' first season runs concurrently with SG1 season eight.

I realise I have kind of dragged this off topic, but getting back to the original question, I like the idea of an Indiana Jones type - in fact, Peter Weller as an Indiana Jones type would be great. Or how about recycling some of our favourite actors from other SF shows. Brent Spiner, Avery Brooks, Anthony Stewart Head (I'd like that one!). I remember reading that Marina Sirtis was up for the role of Carter in SG1 - maybe they could re-introduce her Russian character. I\m sure she'd be thrilled at having to always be Russian onscreen! ;)
Except that Sky one just stopped showing the re-runs in favour of some stupid computer game show :(

As for choice of actors, I don't know. Being a youngster, I like to see people my own age up there in the hope that someday soon I can follow them (no ambition really....). However, I also like to see talent, so some experienced actors would be nice (maybe as support, though - just my preference)

I know this is going out on a limb, but i think they should somehow incorperate sg-1 into atlatis, and keep them in it, or mabye they should just have a season 9 and 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishful thinking, I reckon. I'm hoping with you, though - the current cast does rock. Don't think it's likely though - the suits stopped listening to the fans a looooooong time ago :(

Maybe they listen to the cast who say they don't want to do any more? ;)

[And many fans have said the series was getting tired, too...]
Voted something else. The other three have been done over and over and I would like to see if anyone could come up with a new idea.
Well I emailed Sky tv about if they have any plans to show Atlantis. They replied they dont know anything about the show yet! (Dont they have people who work all day checking out possible shows to buy?????)
Apparently my email has been passed to Sky one for their information. So maybe if enough of us email them they will actually look up some info about the show and just maybe decide to buy it sometime!
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