Possible SG spinoffs (S7 & 8 Spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2001
Possible SG spinoffs- a PARODY

Possible SG1 spinoff Shows ... to satisfy every fannish faction

S G - Sam and Jack - the Sitcom !!!

Yes sir folks its that wacky onelining' newly promoted General and his Gal Pal the wise witty and wonderful Sam in their very own Sitcom!

Episode One - Gone Fishing

Newly promoted Brigadier General O'Neill celebrates by going fishing with his buddy Thor - unfortunately they choose Lake Placid - anyone got Giant Gator bait? No Problemo Our Big Buddy Tealc comes to the rescue by getting the gators er Indopacific Crocidilians drunk on Jack's beer and then ... meanwhile lovely Sam now a Colonel is running the base and has to deal with a new sergeant called BILKO - see our THREE Tech Sarges fight for supremacy and and total control of the Level 23 black market (trading with the Tok'ra and Jaffa and various Gouald for photos of Sam in an undressed condition)

Next week Sam has to explain about that fish tank full of larvae - oh those ... they're rare south american piranha eels! and deal with Jack Junior when O'Neill's clone takes some of the larvae to his high school biology class!

Daniel Jackson - Gate Raider - watch Daniel confront and survive various perils and whumpings - watch his shirt get lovelily ripped off by naughty Gouald Ladies - watch him endure a day of paperwork and office reviews with guest star Jonas Quinn but worse of all he accidentally wanders into a Convention Meet and Greet VIP party and has to dodge the ... oh yes and next week Daniel takes over the base and gives everyone compulsory Ancient Nostratic lessons ... be with us and learn how to say I need a new love interest in a dozen obscure dialects !!!

SG - 24 Hours - the Reality Show - a live Webcam continuous broadcast to the Net and Cable of everything that goes on at the studio - yes everyone and everything - watch Writers flirt in the accounting department - see crew yawning - watch Actors whinge about scripts - watch producers watch the web for feedback on their performance - watch the teamsters stealing donuts - see actors in competitive parenting sessions getting repetitive strain syndrome downloading pict files of their LA based offspring ... you're still here? okay watch the empty carpark under the light of the fullmoon ... yawn ... hang on what's that wolf doing coming out of one of the actors' trailers and there are stunt dudes chasing him with a net screaming - catch him we need him for an early morning shoot !

So who's the werewolf in the cast ... stay tuned if you can stay awake for Sg - 24 Hours !!! Tomorrow we watch various writers producers and actors dial doggydaycare and listen to them talk to their puppies ...

Soon to come on PBS Jonas Quinn presents a mini series on Kewllonian culture - learn what all that smiling and eating and eating and smiling and smiling and eating really means!!! Subtext explained along with the EEK Factor !
Ya know?

Ya know, I'd laugh if this weren't so scary. :rolleyes:

I can but hope that someone remembers that Sam Carter is a professional military woman and they don't skuttle her career completely.


:lol: :laugh2: :lol: :laugh2: :eek7:

Damn that was funny Neith! Remind me not to read anything you write first thing in the morning, while drinking a cup of tea!

Rowan's dead to rights though.........I really do hope they don't forget that she's meant to be a professional military officer once they've promoted Jack. The idea of Jack as a general is freaking me out as it is. He's about as much like General material as Daniel would be.

I reckon the werewolf would have to be RDA anyway. That would explain his various absences from any coherent part of an episode. They could blame it on the full moon........

or the bossa nova.

:rolleyes: ;) :evil:
Re: Ya know?

Originally posted by Rowan
Ya know, I'd laugh if this weren't so scary. :rolleyes:

I can but hope that someone remembers that Sam Carter is a professional military woman and they don't skuttle her career completely.


Having read the spoilers for the season 7 finale, it sounds like they're going to do precisely that. :mad:

They're ditching her highly intelligent mature adult professional air force officer personality (does she suffer from multiple personality syndrome, BTW?) and leaving us with the drippy moo-eyed adolescent persona mooning over her C.O. in the teeth of complete incompatibility and every reg. under the sun. :angryfire

Not only this, but Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter are "interrupted by the inconvenient arrival of Daniel and Teal'c".

For crying out loud!

Way to drive the wedge further into the team! This is allegedly a team of four, not a soap opera 'Jack & Sam Show' with a couple of other guys for decoration. They lost MS and nearly lost CJ because of this. I thought they'd got the message. Stupid me!

I can't help thinking that this is down to the patronizing mentality of the scriptwriters trying to curry favour with teenaged 'shippers, and that a female scriptwriter would have a hell of a lot more respect for Sam - whom I like BTW - and the team dynamic. I wouldn't be quite so angry about this otherwise.

If that's setting the trend for series 8, then they needen't bother for me.

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
There is something disturbing about all this.

And I'm a disturbing person without help.

Disturbing - well it is a parody
its suppose to be disturbing and make you think !!!
so long as you laugh as well

there's a female script writer for season seven

who ???

at least I try to get people to sit back and laugh at or hoepfully with fannish and pro foibles

I gotta admit I'ld kinda love to find out if any of the cast or crew read my parodies and satires - I do hope they're laughing with us
if so ...?

and I do hope any writers or PTB's take note - a little hint of shippiness or slashiness as a judicious dash of spice is fine but not as a main ingredient please???

SG is suppose to be an SF show?
I don't think there is a female writer Neith, I think Hat was saying that if there *were* one, she would at least have respect for the credibility of the character. The male writers have a tendency to 'not know what to do with Sam'. they seem to have very little idea about how a senior female officer might think, react or perform and resort to typical feminine stereotypes.

Having read stuff by Joe Mallozzi in his production diaries and read the various reports and Q&A sessions on other forums and lists, the guy comes over as a rampant chauvenist who is so far up his own a$$hole that it would take a whole archaeological team of Daniel Jacksons to get him back out. So if anyone expects him or his partner in crime to treat the character of Sam with any kind of thoughfulness, you'd better not be holding your breath, because it ain't gonna happen.

It'll be interesting to see the episode that Amanda directs though. By all accounts she is a talented lady. Maybe we will see a different aspect of Stargate through her directing eyes.

btw, do I take it from Hat's comment about Jack and Sam being interrupted, that we should be preparing for some 'ship' of a fairly major kind? (No pun intended!).

God help us all!!! Or should that be 'Gods'?

:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolly2:
Originally posted by Anni
I don't think there is a female writer Neith, I think Hat was saying that if there *were* one, she would at least have respect for the credibility of the character. The male writers have a tendency to 'not know what to do with Sam'. they seem to have very little idea about how a senior female officer might think, react or perform and resort to typical feminine stereotypes.

Right, Anni. The absence of a real female on the production team is clearly lacking. One with some executive power is definitely needed. Am considering writing to Bonnie Hammer... :mad:

btw, do I take it from Hat's comment about Jack and Sam being interrupted, that we should be preparing for some 'ship' of a fairly major kind? (No pun intended!).

God help us all!!! Or should that be 'Gods'?

:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolly2:

Well that's the way I read it, and there wasn't much scope for any other interpretation. And that wasn't the only place that 'ship was heavily telegraphed either. :(

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
I'm quite enjoying this thread -

people who can enjoy satire without having the jokes explained ...

people who havnt joined the

all fandom must speak in one voice of idolatrous praise movement

people who are not retro victorian wimps

on one forum this posting was either deleted or faded unread straight into limbo and on another I had to explain to at least one person who should have known better I was teasing about stereotypes not attacking individuals

anni you are so ferocious ... even I wouldnt describe you know who in such terms ... tho that's more cos I'm hoping he's not quite that far gone yet into terminal egotism yet ???

hatshepsut yes we need more female writers

my brother said he'll give me his old computer when he gets his new one so I'll be able to write at home again - the local store policies ban me from buying on credit or by instalment cos they want cash in advance from casual workers

i doubt I'll be one of them - after all I committed the terrible sin of actually writing satire and parody

see http://www.geocities.com/scholara/sassyG.htm

however despite it being an uphill battle I consider it to be doing the right thing to support AT - I hope we'll all strive to remind the PTBs at any and every opportunity that

A) we need more women scripters

women scripters who have written SF

B) we're looking forward to seeing AT direct

it should have happened closer and we happen it will happen again in season eight

Personally I'm hoping AT's directing goes well and they dont stuff up the character in season seven - why - cos - shudder - apparently Sassy and Goldie vacationed on Discworld and made the acquaintance of certain small liberated males with bluish skin tones ... and Sassy says if she has to visit the studio again she's bringing them along as guest stars ... pratchett fans may again shudder contemplating the damage liberated small males can especially now they have their own lawyer ... and no prizes for guessing what pratchett book finally reached my name on the reservations list

Retro Victorian Wimp Idolatrous Praising Fan Factions Beware!

There are still Intelligent SF Older Women who havnt sold out or burned out remaining in Fandom!!!

Keep the SCIENCE in Science Fiction !

Lurking Slashers and shippers take note - I dont mind a light touch of teasing - so long as the shippiness is a dash of spice NOT a major ingredient - I enjoy weel crafted interactions but I dont like soap opera - Keep SG1 an SF drama please!!!

Ugh ranting over ... pant pant out of breath ... limping away now!
Since the announcement of Season Eight I find more and more spoilers here in SG Gen. Discussion. Here e.g. about the finale Lost City.

I can't really move all the threads to the Season Seven section since some like this one don't really belong there.

I'm gonna ask the admins for our own Season Eight section, but move this one to the Spin-Off section.

Hope everyone is okay with it.

No probs Summer, sounds reasonable to me!

By the way Neith.........I caught your similar thread on another forum, which in order to be fair, I leave nameless!

Babes, you really, really do have a death wish don't you? ROTFLMAO. I think that posting the same subject as this thread on that forum was the bravest thing I ever saw. I hereby decorate you with the Queen's Medal for Gallantry, for courage in the field, above and beyond the call of duty!

You were never going to get the same mileage out of that particular place as you would here and I could have warned you that I have already came a cropper some two years ago and ended up being put on ignore by someone who shall also remain nameless. She's ignored me for two solid years now and we belong to a number of the same lists. It was such a tiny reason that I can't even recall why now. They have a 'thing' about the actors and their private lives, it's almost as if they have self proclaimed themselves as Stargate actors' personal protectors. Believe me, if you mentioned that you hated the toothpaste you heard Amanda Tapping used, it would elicit the same response of horrified, self righteous and utterly pointless Ihostility.

Meanwhile, back at the parody. Girl, most people don't even know what parody is. They want the sugar sweet, cutsie pie stuff about Stargate ALL the time and if you don't belong to the club, you quite simply do NOT belong in Stargate fandom!

Welcome to MY world darlin!

I'm not ferocious, I just don't have time for arrogance and writers (or indeed anyone else) who believe in their omnipotence just because a bunch of people spend their time pandering to them and telling them how wonderful they are.

I think the actors who do put forward scripts and direct have a lot more honest and realistic approach. Just look at Chris Judge and the episode he wrote. Streets ahead of many of the so called professional writers.


And no guys.........I may have been away more than I've been here.....but I haven't changed!

:D :rolly2: :evil:
Originally posted by Anni
And no guys.........I may have been away more than I've been here.....but I haven't changed!

:D :rolly2: :evil:

Thank God for that, Anni! :D
the only thing i'm going to say about certain people is that last jan/feb when there was a bobw sg con in sydney which i couldnt afford to attend I posted a public note offering to arrange a lunch meeting outside the con and asking if anyone attending american or local would like to go to yum cha or some restaurant near the convention

no one was interested in meeting me face to face and learning what i might be like off line

and i had been going to tell them i would avoid the any sg related topics they werre uncomfortable with

maybe i should give up on certain people

they seem to value their PR scraps more than female friendship or the pleasures of a quiet lunch

you're in a very definite minority complimenting me on courage

i just believe i'm trying to do the right thing and make people think or laugh
prefereably both ???
Originally posted by neith4
you're in a very definite minority complimenting me on courage

i just believe i'm trying to do the right thing and make people think or laugh
prefereably both ???

And what's wrong with that?

I agree there are boundaries and what was intended as a parody can turn into something hateful and dumb very quickly, but I loved your little Spin-Off piece. ;)

I think there are many, many people out there who think along the same lines and I don't even believe they're a minority, just that some of them don't wanna comment on the subject because as we all know other people will feel like somebody stepped on their toes very quickly.

It's almost impossible to open your mouth in this fandom without one side crying bloody murder.

Me? I was shocked when I read the LC spoilers. Still haven't recovered. Season Seven started out rather well in my opinion, we finally got the team I love back - more or less - and I was overjoyed to read we'd get a Season Eight.

Of course S7 is RDA and Jack-light, of course we don't get the team together very often because one cast member is doing his showcase episodes while another one is doing his/hers. Because I'm a team fan it's frustrating sometimes but I'd much prefer the current situation to no Season Seven at all. Yeah, I'm an easy girl to please. :D
Give me the team as friends, caring, some good action/adventure and above all mythology episodes and I'm a happy gal.

So why do they want to destroy the new found balance by shipping us into next week...erm...next season? Will they never learn?

Anni's certainly dead on the money when she says the writers are absolutely incapable of writing for a strong, female lead. It's not only annoying, it's starting to get embarrassing.
For poor mooey-eyed Sam and the writers who definately show us their interpretation of a strong, capable female.
Save the world, be intelligent, a genius but don't forget to fall in love with the alpha male, go fishing, get 2.4 children and a nice white picket fence.
Oh, and Neith: After moving the thread into the Spin-Off section I can't edit the title anymore.

Could you please put Spoiler Space for Season Seven, esp. the finale, in the title? Just to be on the safe side.

Thanks. ;)
There's been a fair amount of discussion going on about who should lead S.G.-1 after Jack's promotion.

Now, in 'Shades of Grey' in season 3, both Daniel and Teal'c wanted Sam as their team leader, but she was passed over because she'd only recently been promoted to major and didn't have sufficient experience.

Well, now she does. But which way is the discussion going? Along the lines of Sam is too focussed on the science side so that her expertise isn't sufficiently well rounded...

Now, if the M.C.P. scriptwriters had concentrated on building upon Sam's established strong, smart, professional and delightful personality of the first three seasons instead of wasting precious time in re-launching her as a drippy simpering hormonal female languishing over her strong alpha male team leader from whom she is being tragically kept apart by those dreadful macho military regs :angryfire , then she would probably already be Lt.Col. Carter and the ideal choice for S.G.-1's C.O. With professionally short and tidy hair...

With examples like this, they'll be playing ice-hockey in hell before women are finally accepted and valued for their abilities outside the kitchen and bedroom. :mad: :( :dead:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:

P.S. Yes, I know there are some successful professional women around now. So of course we already have sexual equality... Right? 'Cept that the percentage of such women is pitifully small. <sigh>
ladies - changing the topic yet again but have you all visited Gateworld 's BBs yet - there's a really funny piece about are the writers actually Valley Boy Blondes up on it !

In case it gets deleted ... the link was


this is a scream !!!
I already read the article some days ago (well, to be honest two times) and was in stiches....and in tears.

Why should we delete it? It's hilarious!!!

Thanks for the link, Neith! I never thought about posting it here.

Oh, and as far as I know Bunnyfic has *nothing* to do with Gateworld. It's a sister site of Solutions. ;)
ROFLMAO! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for that, Neith! Way to start the day. :D That's priceless - and about sums up my opinion... :rolleyes: Someone ought to send it to T.P.T.B. :evil:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:

P.S. I tracked it down to its source. The author is Lori (Grey?).
Ah, I need to point this out...

Lori is an active member of "Our Stargate" forum on Delphi and a steady contributor to the "Stargate Solutions" web site. And "BunnyFic" is run by Anhk, who is another member of "Solutions".

The piece is not a Gateworld piece.

Just to keep the record straight.

