meaning of "done" in castle of wizardry

Page 82 of paperback edition of castle of wizardry. errand with the orb of aldur touches the young colt that Belgarion brought back to life in the cave. the dry voice in Belgarion's mind simply says "done". what has been accomplished here. can't figure this one out. anyone out there know?


big sinky

I've just finished re-reading that book (am now on Enchanter's End Game)... The dry voice says "done" because Errand and the colt are destined to be together. It explains it more in The Mallorean - when Errand and the colt become inseperable. :D
Ah this book is as far as I got in the series and didn't finish it all. I began reading the set when matthew was born and we were doing 2 hour then 4 hour feeds. I would snooze,then wake for a feed,and read part of each book before the next feed. It was an exhausting time for us but I got the first 4 books read and enjoyed the journey! I'm gonna re read them one day when I have time to read. But the story continues with the Mallorean right? And then?
But the story continues with the Mallorean right? And then?

Yep, the story continues with the Mallorean, and then... that's it! Although there are 3 companion books -
*Belgarath the Sorcerer: Which is my fave of the lot! He describes his life up until Garion's parents are killed - also including a lot of background on the cracking of the world, and retreiving the Orb from Torak.

*Polgara the Sorceress: Which has a lot of background info on her upbringing, Beldaran &Poledra, and her raising of the various heirs throughout the centuries. It also covers her life up until Garion's parents are killed.

*The Rivan Codex: This is basically a collection of notes, background info and parts of the various religious scripts from the books. A kind of writer's notes on creating the Belgariad/Mallorean series...
unless your interested in Eddings' notes and pre-story character/god/nation/world concepts... you can skip the Rivan Codex. There are only a couple of things in there that aren't repeated or improved within the other 12 books, anod most of these are the "Holy Books" of the other races... i recall a Nyissan one most particularly since Eddings has it twisting like a snake across the page...
I always thought the "Done" comments were a bit of a let down. It's not as if the bond between Mandorallen/Ce'Nedra, or Errand/Horse, turned out to be of any major importance, is it.

Actually if you've read all the books, Horse as he will come to be known is basically Erionds totem animal and when they erect glorifications of Eriond he will almost never be seen without him, also the Mandorallen/ Ce'Nedra was quite simple, what was Mandorallen known as? The Knight Protector. The bit where he saves her from the lion was done in order for him to be her knight champion or something, I can't remember the exact wording. These are major points as the set up each character for whom they are in the prophecy
Whilst he says done for the majority of the books right at the end when in Korim the prohpecy keeps saying "point", if Eddings had done a revision of all the text I'm nearly positive we would have seen that changed to point, it's a tallying system between him and the other one. It is also entirely possible that that is where the alorn political game of "thats one for them" come from
