Fave Character

The pruning shears have been out on this thread on the basic gardening wisdoms of Master Samwise, that a straggling bush needs to be pruned to make it spry and bushy again.

Not wishing to get them out in such a fashion again, or ding some of the witty conversation, which in places is most delightful.
Could I ask, if one finds an off-topic topic that is fascinating and/or deserves debate, then could one please create a thread?
R u peeps basing your votes on the film, the book, or both? cos in the film my fave is Legolas (duh) but in the book its a tie between Legolas and Sam and I couldn't vote for both of 'em!
I go by the book, 'cos I've read it more often than seen it.

But Tom isn't in the list, so....
Neither is Galadriel, nor the dragon. And I have a like for the dragon who's name escapes me at this time...Smaug? Someone help.
I don't think Smaug was in the book either, lest it was a passing reference from the Hobbit
I added a few more. Anyone who wishes to change their vote PM me, I will check thats who you said you voted for and re-allocate. This doesn't mean you can ALL change:D

Smaug was the Hobbit more than FOTR

Originally posted by ray gower
I've always had a softspot for Treebeard myself.

Then I've always been very laid back.
R -------- TT
Yeah! Treebeard was great, and remember when pippin and (oh dear forgot the other hobbit) drank some of that entwash drink? They got a tiny bit taller.
Aye, sadly I got ahead of myself. It will have to wait for the Towers.

I'll preserve my favours for later!
Originally posted by ray gower
Aye, sadly I got ahead of myself. It will have to wait for the Towers.

I'll preserve my favours for later!
Me too, Ray, me too.
Doh! ray me too far go. (spoofin off T.S.O.M, you know, Julie Andrews) sorry;)

Hi Legalas:
No, Treebeard wasn't in the movie. He was in the last book, I believe.
When you read through the Introductary book, which is the Hobbit, and then all of the Trilogy of LOTR, you will have met all the facinating characters. The movie robs you of that total exeperience.
well in the books my fave is Sam!!! but in the movie itd have to be legolas cos orlando bloom is so fricken spunky!!!:rolly2: lol:rolly2:

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