Can Humans Be More Evil Than Demons?


Pray 2 da god Joss Whedon
Feb 28, 2001
I think the Angel ep, I've Got You Under My Skin, made an interesting question.

Was Ryan worse than your average, run of the mill, destructive demon?

Even the Ethros Demon was scared of Ryan.

Was Ryan just the latest in a long line of twisted Humans?

Coming from places like Wolfram and Hart to Ethan Rayne to Tucker (The guy who bred the Hellhounds)

From a reality point of view, is this what makes people killers?

I'm sure that this is still on the fore-front of people's memorys but is this what makes people 'become' suicide bombers?

Or decide to come into school and shoot people only to kill themselves?

Or are they just misguided? Mentally unstable?

How do you define evil?

Is it the absense of a soul?

Can a Human ever be truly evil because it has a soul?

Scientists have found that some pshycologically unstable people are missing a part of their frontal lobe. Something is either missing or not working properly. Is that the soul?

I think it is a grey area as to whether a human can be truly evil or not. Maybe that is because, as a human, i do not want to believe that i could be truly evil or related (in specie or otherwise) to something evil
Thats interesting cos i think that the soul gives u a conscience which would, depending on how much you paid attention to it, make you good.

I don't think the soul has anything to do with good or evil. I think the soul is there to give you a conscience.
People do what they want to do, and you can pay attention to your conscience or not...whether you feel bad about what you did or not it's still done.
I like the way Angel deals with grey areas like this. There's been plenty of episodes where he's helped demons which are threatened or in trouble, and Wolfram and Hart kind of represent the evil/greed in humans, which is worse than the evil in demons because they do have a conscience and can choose to follow good or evil. In a lot of ways, Angel deals with more real-life issues than Buffy - discrimination etc.

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