3.03: Fair Game


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2000

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You know you've got Fair Game listed twice or am I just seeing double? <G>
It's always interesting when they start throwing other System Lords into the mix and the fact that they chose Greek, Eastern, and Middle Eastern was a pleasure.

However this episode makes me wonder about the whole invisibility thing or the phasing. When are we going to be seeing it used against the Tau'ri by the System Lords? I can't imagine that they would let Nehrti get away without telling them how she does it.

I love the fact that they keep giving us a little more about each character. It makes it all seem like they weren't just popped out grown and in place.


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

The intro of SL with identities taken from other religions was a neat change,I agree. Wonder if choice of panthaneon (sp?) might indication a political alignment as well amount the Goa'uld (just a wild idea with no substance,sop with me i guess).

You know that's actually a good idea using the different pantheons as ways to differentiate between the political structure among the Goa'uld. Makes sense if you really think about it.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net
I just knew Jack would come up with some sarcastic comments when one of the SL was called 'yu'.
It was interesting to find out about Teal'C's dad
I like how Jack kept interrupting Daniel when he's lecturing them all.
The history and politics of the Goa'uld is interesting, though I still don't see why the Asgard left it so long to take notice of what the Goa'uld were doing. It must be one hell of an enemy they're up against. Why were Nurti and Yu so very concerned about Cronos? He's still a rival in the long run, isn't he?

Sam got promoted, good for her. Though saying she's acted beyond the call of duty is putting it lightly.

That stuff about Teal'c's Dad. Got a 'bit' of an issue with Cronos....... Teal'c confided in Daniel, whereas I'd of expected Jack.

'Fair Game' overall, gave more depth to the stargate universe, and, to put it bluntly, what kind of s**t our Tau'ri people have stepped into by opening the Gate in the first place.
Don't worry - as you might imagine - we do get to meet the Asgard's really bad enemy.
what i like is two years later adn we haven't seen the last of cronos, yu or nirti...now that's a storyline
Though we do get some history [too vague to need spoilage?]
i think as long as we don't say when, how and why we see these characters again it's not spoiling....and actually when we get to revisit old friends it makes me want to go back and re-watch their original appearances
So we do see that three again? Interesting.......
Treaty or no, I might like to see SG-1 come up against Nurti on the basis only of that thing with her decimating Cassandra's planet. And to hurt a child like that too! :(
'Singularity' got to me a few days after I'd seen it. OMG........
Possible vague spoiler about future SG ep.



Oh, you do. Get to see her again.



...sigh... I'm sure it's not really a spoiler.
Possible vague spoiler about future SG ep.



Oh, you do. Get to see him again. I think. Summit?



...sigh... I'm sure it's not really a spoiler.
Just a tantalising hint. The torment of, in my case...... Dreaming of something as yet out of reach.
lol! Who do you prefer out of ...Yu... (no pun intended!) and Nirrti? I so prefer Nirrti; she just so kewl! ... And evil...and manipulating... and has a very unique style...:alienooh:
I agree. Nirrti at least looked like she could do some damage (and wanted to). Yu didn't do much of anything actually.
Yeah, Nirrti was way fun. And not over-sexed and/or underdressed. Yu actually looked like he could be reasoned with. But he sure was a natty dresser.
OK, what about Nirrti and Chronos? (I'm still gonna go for Nirrti)

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