Crackpot Theories

What do you mean "is going to be taken over" -- we already have! Beware, we're on every street corner. We're in every home. We're invading the planet with our punctuation preferences.

We are the Grammarians! :D

Be afraid. Be very afraid...
What do you mean "is going to be taken over" -- we already have! Beware, we're on every street corner. We're in every home. We're invading the planet with our punctuation preferences.

We are the Grammarians! :D

Be afraid. Be very afraid...

Oh, no, you don't want me as world dictator again?
Remember what happened last time? Couldn't you be dictator this time while I'm faithful lackey?

Better still, we'll land Nessa with the job. and I'll just keep adapting the USA evesdropping net (mobile phones department) to automatically erasing all non-grammatical text messages.
My publishing/dope dealing partner back in the day was convinced that Legionaire's Disease was created by the government in order to get people to take shots that would make them more succeptible to subliminals in TV broadcasts. He saw it an initial pilot experiement that would broaden out, with drugs ramped up so the final situation would be: accept the vaccination and be controlled, or reject it and die.

He was probably wrong about that, but the last 8 years of US politics have made me wonder.

One thing about Chuck, he wasn't a man to just sit around and pontificate on his theories. When he decided that the NORAD base in Cheyenne Mt. Colorado (the famous "hole in the wall" where "the button" is located) was part of an evil plot I never quite got straight, he busted through the cordon at an airforce base on his motorcycle and hotwired a plane...a four engine bomber, actually, and was going to take off and crash it into NORAD in an oddly prophetic suicide kaboom. He was prevented from this goal, leading to some unpleasantness but eventual freedom from the military.

I once found out later that he had decided that I was controlling his mind telepathically and causing him to re-experience an event in his youth that he refused to ever talk about. (My suspicion is that involved another youth of the male persuasion) He was planning on dealing with that theory by shooting me. Since we were both heavily armed as usual at the time, and up in the mountains in the snow gooning out on acid and I didn't anticipate his train of thought, it wouldn't have been that outlandish for him to have pulled it off. He didn't draw because there was "some element of doubt in his mind"...which may be what sepearates many of us from the serial killers we could become without that subtle inner counsel.

His theorizing, which I found richly entertaining with one possible exception, came to an untimely end when he went next door to tell the neighbor to turn down his stereo and applied his usual charm with the result of becoming stabbed to death.

The editorial in our paper (well, my paper at that point) lamented the loss of an original American thinker.
Ok a simple theory and I am sure many others will agree.
There is a subliminal messaging thingy in chrons that makes you keep coming back, its like a drug, addictive. The creators have put some element into the programing of it so that you have to keep coming back over and over, where you cant get enough of it and then one day in the not to distant future when you are completely hooked they will make you pay to log onto the site.....
Its going to happen I know it.......
LOL tang, thats not a conspiracy theory, thats truth.

OK now this theory gets a little intense, but follow me.

First, lets start with commercials. Cleansers like Lysol, Chlorox, and so forth all have commercials which teach people to keep thier house entirely germ free, right?

Ok now this is a good thing for the most part except that to develop an immunity your body should be exposed to bacteria and germs, thats why we are not always sick.

Now consider that cleanser and home health companies almost ALL (serious, google it) have a relationship with a medical organization, such as the national pediatrics association and Chlorox, for example, also owns Brita water filtration systems.

Now, when you consider that bacterial science includes the development of bacteria and sythetic bacteria (like in this article from JD Scientists take step to making synthetic life - Yahoo! News) All of which are also governed by government institutions that control the quality of cleaning products, mainly the FDA, which also has a strong relationship with FEMA...

So here is the crackpot theory:

Considering that there is a concious effort by the companies and governments to basically rid the world of bacteria in the home while they are also making bacterias, what if the real, underground, sinister plot is to make people more susceptable to bacterias that can be release through water?

WHy would they do this? Well, nanobots can be distributed, bacteria and germs with specific "cures" can be distributed, and suddenly you have not only a world of people controlled by the desire to recieve medial attention and cures for this, but you can also use a button to control people via nanobots.

Man, I should so work for Illuminati.
Oh, no, you don't want me as world dictator again?
Remember what happened last time? Couldn't you be dictator this time while I'm faithful lackey?

Better still, we'll land Nessa with the job. and I'll just keep adapting the USA evesdropping net (mobile phones department) to automatically erasing all non-grammatical text messages.

Sorry, I'd forgotten about this thread!

Yes, Nessa should take over; I couldn't do the job. And I certainly couldn't have you as my faithful lackey, Chris, not when you miss out the word "a" from "I'm faithful lackey" and then put a full stop where there should have been a comma. :D

But I agree on the text speak. We should rid the world of text speak! (Or is it txt spk?)
Will you now all stop usurping?
And Leisha, shame on you, a zombie minion unworthy!
Ben, you'll have to munch a peanut to see what position you get.:D
*throws peanuts*
Infrared...soon the toasters, the tv and the microwave will unite! And you will have little celebrity pictures on all of your food with advertising including.

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