February Fantasy Suggestions

can't put " the chronicles" by cornelius in here, can I?:p

don't have suggestions myself, but I am going to follow this thread, the broadening of my horizon in mind...
cornelius said:
can't put " the chronicles" by cornelius in here, can I?:p

don't have suggestions myself, but I am going to follow this thread, the broadening of my horizon in mind...
I'm glad you said that. That is the primary reason for a book club - for us to branch out and read things we may not have gotten to otherwise. Find new author to love, explore new worlds, bravely go where...oops, sort of got off track there...you get the idea though :D
Im nominating Looking for Jake by Chine Mieville. Didnt get through last time, hopefully it will this time :D
I'm relatively new to fantasy - compared to you guys at least, so I don't have any suggestions, but I'm quite willing to read anything that's suggested to me. Broadening of horizons etc...
Here's a different one:

A Brother's Price by Wen Spencer
I can't paste in the text from Amazon or the link to the page. Y'all are smart enough to search it out, I'm sure!
I'd like to recommend Shapechangers by Jennifer Roberson. This is book 1 of the Chronicles of the Cheysuli series. Here's a short synopsis:

This is the first novel in a superb fantasy series about a race of warriors gifted with the ability to assume animal shapes at will. Once treasured allies to the King of Homana, they are now exiles. And Alix, daughter of an ill-fated union between Homana princess and Cheysuli warrior, must answer the call of magic in her blood, fulfilling an ancient prophecy.
We're concentrating on books that were published within the last year, Hosato.

Jennifer Roberson has a new series coming up, and the first one is scheduled for April. (I heard her read part of it at WorldCon when it was in San Jose, and it sounded really good.) Maybe we can make a push to read that one in the spring.
rune said:
Im nominating Looking for Jake by Chine Mieville. Didnt get through last time, hopefully it will this time :D
Yes I'ld like to go for Looking For Jake too, it's a brilliant collection...:D
I'm new here so I don't know if this is the sort of thing you are looking for but Eragon or Eldest by Christopher Paolini(not sure if that is correct spelling)
Threddy said:
I'm new here so I don't know if this is the sort of thing you are looking for but Eragon or Eldest by Christopher Paolini(not sure if that is correct spelling)
Choices are pretty much up to members to make but I think the criteria is for books pulbished within the last 12 months, so I'm pretty sure those books were published prior to that but always good to see another contributor to the book club...:D

If you haven't already you may want to check out ther YA section here, it's quite good and has some discussions on Polini's work.
I have to put in a good word in for Robin McKinley's Sunshine. Excellent read.
Hey im new as u know but i was suggesting the book The Coral Island by
R. M. Ballantyne ive read it and i think its a great book u may have already done this but im new so im still looking around well i hope this gets threw cya:)
What about The Divide by Elizabeth Kay.
It's like a cross between Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland, makes an interesting read.
dwndrgn has temporarily suspended the Book Club due to lack of interest in the discussions. Anyway, it's too late now to vote on a February book!
Thats a shame I would have nominated Robins Hobbs Shaman's Crossing. Its a great book as with all of Robins Hobbs books, the story is great and her characters are good.

John May.

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