Fun Haiku

Resurrect old thread,
Hoping to raise up post count,
But still on topic

And that was nice, Mo
Honest and funny, yup yup
Subtly done, Leish.

Why thank you Leisha,
Subtlety not my strength,
But you would know that :p
Flying through the sky,
graceful birds soar overhead.
How carefree they look.

(How I've missed this thread!)
butterflies bouncing,
drabness diappears

Numbers are correct.
Easy to remember, yes
But harder to count

Have I miscounted?
Suprise me much, that would not.
Great, now I'm Yoda.
Oops, light bulb moment
I could give more excuses
but instead I'll just

actually those
numbers are only guidelines
not really rules

(think of this one I really like by Matsuo Basho:
muzan ya na
kabuto no shita no

How piteous
underneath a helmet
chirps a cricket
Should I claim I knew?
No, better if I stick to
There once was a man...
Hi, Talysia.
It is nice to see you back
Here where you belong :)

(I hope that's pronounced 'Tal-ee-see-a')

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