James Barclay


pixie druid
Staff member
May 4, 2005
I may live in Yorkshire but I'm a Scot
I don't think I've ever seen any mention of Barclay's books here.
Having read both The Chronicles of The Raven and The legend of The Raven plus Lightstealer He is rapidly becoming one of my favourite authors and I can't wait for The Cry of the Newborn to be released in October.Has anyone else read his books? and whats your opinion on him?
UM.. ERR.. how do I put this??

I didn't really like them that much. I read Chronicles when they first came out and started on Legends later on and they weren't bad, it's just they they weren't for me that much above average. Basically I found nothing all that startling in the characterization, plot, worldbuilding or prose of this author compared to my favs like Bakker, Erikson, Martin etc..

I guess the beauty of having different authors with different styles is that they're going to appeal to people in different ways. One man's meat is another man's poison as it were... ;)

Sorry I couldn't find anything more positivie to say here Nixie... :(
I know what your saying about his not being as good as Martin or Bakker, can't really compare him with Erikson cause I've just started reading his,but I do find him a cut above Keyes and Brooks.:)
nixie said:
I know what your saying about his not being as good as Martin or Bakker, can't really compare him with Erikson cause I've just started reading his,but I do find him a cut above Keyes and Brooks.:)
Hmmm.. interesting I'd put him on a similar level to Brooks although I like Terry's stuff better, Keyes I'd put ahead of both of them on a similar par with J V Jones, Elliott, Williams, Kearney (later Mark Of Ran), Jordan (earlier novels in WOT) etc.., probably Donaldson and Wurts above them, Bakker and Mielville a spot above them and then Martin with Erikson the top of the pops... :D

NOW I'll tell you what I really think.... ;)
Wurts, I can't seem to get into, Williams is ok never read Kearney, Elliott or Mievelle although I've recently picked up one of Kate Elliott's.Brook's seems to be on a downward spiral,I didn't really enjoy Jaka Ruus.
I would put Barclay on the same level as Jones.
Jordan not to fussed on,but Donaldson is great.
Don't seem to be as well read as you:D
nixie said:
Wurts, I can't seem to get into, Williams is ok never read Kearney, Elliott or Mievelle although I've recently picked up one of Kate Elliott's.Brook's seems to be on a downward spiral,I didn't really enjoy Jaka Ruus.
I would put Barclay on the same level as Jones.
Jordan not to fussed on,but Donaldson is great.
Don't seem to be as well read as you:D
Who me well read? never... :D

I agree Wurts is something of a challenge to follow the writing IMO but still enjoyable and yes Terry's latest trilogy is nothing great, I much preferred the previous Voyage Of The Jerle Shannara and now that he's looking to write at least 6 books about the early history of Shanarra (incl. how Druid council was formed etc.) looking more forward to that.

Whoa Jones and Barclay on the same level that's where our opinions diverge methinks. Jordan's earlier books in the series were fantastic BUT sadly things have run out of steam a lillte, but now that series is drawing to an end might still have a kick in the tail.

Yep Donaldson for me is great, you read Runes Of The Earth yet? it rocks!. :)
nixie said:
Saving it until I find out when the next one released:) It's hard not to pick it up straight away,but I'm going to wait:)
Well you'll be waiting until 2007 so hope you're patient LOL!..:eek:

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