The Night Land A Story Retold By James Stoddard And William Hope Hodgson


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
An epic adventure of the far distant future , in a time how the sun has gone dark , the earth and it remain inhabitants are confined to one 7 mile high pyramid city and the under side from all manner of evil being and monsters from other dimensions. It' s rewrite of Hodgson's original novel and it's vast improvement . It told by a 19th Century man named Andrew Eddins who is also reincarnation of a man off the future named Andros. who has the memories of present life and the life of Andrew Eddiin's of the distant past. It's a terrific read, I blazed though it in 2 days. :cool:
I read it a long time ago, I got annoyed towards the end when the two adventurers are trying to get back to safety.
The night creatures are surrounding the city energy line and there's a mighty horde of brave defenders standing waiting.
I got irked because they had came down from the pyramid in vast elevators that could transport a million warriors at a time .... I spent a lot of time working out how long it would take to load a million people into a lift, assuming it was wide enough for ten thousand people shoulder to shoulder and they marched forward in unison (sadly I can't remember the estimated times and I can't be bothered working it all out again)

I'm a bit of a sad git I suppose
I read it a long time ago, I got annoyed towards the end when the two adventurers are trying to get back to safety.
The night creatures are surrounding the city energy line and there's a mighty horde of brave defenders standing waiting.
I got irked because they had came down from the pyramid in vast elevators that could transport a million warriors at a time .... I spent a lot of time working out how long it would take to load a million people into a lift, assuming it was wide enough for ten thousand people shoulder to shoulder and they marched forward in unison (sadly I can't remember the estimated times and I can't be bothered working it all out again)

I'm a bit of a sad git I suppose

I read Hodgeson's The Nightland about 10 or or 12 years a go and it took 3 months to get thought it . The book has great imagery of the world of future but Hodgson didn't really flesh out the world of which the book is set in . Hodgson's decision to use an archaic writing style was a very bad decision on his part because it made the book a very difficult read making this worse , were all the humbug that with aggravating repetitions of such things as :"The Love Days" .The characters laced s depth and believability . The book is an absolute mess. What Stoddard did when he rewrote it , he gave the main characters names , added dialogue and far better characterization , he had added scenes and really fleshed the world of Te Night Land and why it was the way it was, . He also gave the main character a name which helps and dimension . The retelling othis story by Stoddard is far far better. It's an epic adventure . I read it just under 3 days. and I enjoyed it. :cool:
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